
发布 2023-02-12 16:44:28 阅读 3229

holiday air 节日气氛。

grow healthy and strong 茁壮成长。

busy time 紧张时刻。

plenty of space 足够的空间。

fresh hand 新手。

enjoy every minute 每分钟过得愉快。


i live on a small farm with my mum.我和我妈妈住在一个小农场上。

every day i help my father milk the cows. 我每天帮爸爸挤牛奶。

we h**e more than 50 cows. 我们有超过50只奶牛。

i always h**e plenty of fresh milk for breakfast. 我总是有足够的牛奶作早餐。

it takes about 40 minutes. 大约花费40分钟。

when i get home after school, there is still much work to do. 当我放学回家,仍然还有很多家务要做。

i help my parents with other housework. 我帮我妈妈做其他家务。

i am always very busy but i never feel tired. 我总是很忙但是从不觉得累。

because i h**e plenty of exercise, clean air and fresh food every day. 因为我每天有足够的运动,干净空气和新鲜食物。

i think a country life is a healthy life. 我认为乡村生活是一种健康的生活。

unit 3


garden city 花园城市

clever student 聪明学生。

new york 纽约。

north america 北美洲。

keep quiet 保持安静。

cheap book **书。

modern times 现代。

noisy children 嘈闹的小孩。

wide interests 广泛兴趣。

crowded street 拥挤街道

family hotel 家庭旅馆。

comfortable life 舒服生活。

he**y rain 大雨。

slow train 慢车。

was 是。

be born 出生。

expensive gift 昂贵礼物。

supermarket 超市。

little traffic 不拥挤。


i was born in new york city in america. 我出生在美国纽约。

it is small but quiet. 虽然小但是安静。

everything is very expensive in new york. 在纽约每样东西都很贵。

lily has more things to do in her free time. lily在她的空余时间有更多事情做。

she misses her friends in the country. 她想念她在农村的朋友。

they h**e no time to play with her. 他们没有时间和她玩。

lily tells them she doesn’t always like life in the big city. lily告诉他们lily总是不喜欢在大城市的生活。

unit 4


picture postcard **明信片。

dirty money 不义之财。

be afraid 害怕……

because 因为。

sell dear **销售。

wild countryside 荒野。

outdoor theatre 室外剧场。

sleeping all day 整天睡觉。

miss the boat 错过机会。

on holiday 度假。

different to 不同于……

outside wall 外墙。


it is very different to our home on the farm. 和在农场上我们家的生活非常不同。

the traffic is very he**y. 交通非常拥挤。

i am afraid to go outside. 我害怕除外。

i can’t go to sleep because there are too many cars. 我不能入睡因为太多车。

they sell lots of different things. 他们卖很多不同的商品。

there is much more to do in the city than in the countryside. 在城市比在农村有更多的事情。

i can play all day. 我可以一整天玩。

i can’t wait to get back home and see all my friends. 我迫不及待的回家见我的朋友。

unit 5

bad health 身体不健康。

clean up matters 澄清事情。

what’s the matter? 怎么回事?

fall ill 病倒。

stomachache 胃痛。

ate 吃。

hear badly 听力差。

i’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个感到很难过。

small hours 午夜。

g**e 给。

check-up 检查。

take medicine

at a time 每次。

toothache 牙痛。

hard candy 硬糖。

brush shoes 刷鞋。

once or twice 一两次。

broken windows 破窗户。

maybe 也许。

went 去。

careful reading 细读。

fell 跌倒。

unit 6

keep a secret 保守秘密。

****** tea 清茶。

least noise 最少声音。

at lease 至少。

go on a diet 节食。

keep a good diet 保持一个良好的饮食习惯。

less coffee 较少的咖啡。

oily soil 油质污垢。

finally 最后地。

smile coldly 冷淡一笑。

even 甚至。


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