
发布 2023-02-12 15:05:28 阅读 4445

2018-2019学年度第二学期六年级英语unit1 a周测卷(第 1 周)


一、找出画线部分发音不同的单词 (每题2分,共10分)

)1. a. brotherb. becomec. nose

)2. a. biggerb. longerc. singer

)3. a. dinosaur b. biggerc. he**ier

)4. a. thanb. thinc. nice

)5. a. youngb. yearc. country


) 1. i’m __than my brothera. tallb. taller c. tallest

) 2. i’m 11. tim is 15. i’m __than him. a. shorter b. younger c. taller

) walksbill or john? a. faster b. fast c. fastest

) 4. he is the tallest in our class. he likes __milk.

a. eating b. drink c.


) 5. sam is 5 years older __mea. then b. them c. than

) 6. tom is verya. tallb. taller c. tallest

) 7. the boy is __and taller than me. a. younger b. young c. youngger

) 8. how __is your brothera. older b. old c. younger

) 9. tim’s ruler is 5 cm __than mine. a. taller b. younger c. longer

) 10. a bear’s tail is __than a monkey’s. a. short b. longer c. shorter


1. she often goesrun) in the morning.

2. my friend is tomhe) brother is a busdrive).

3joan usuallyclean) her teeth before breakfast?

4. look! the baby pandaget) down from the tree.

5. kate likesdance).

6. my house isbig) than mike’s.

7. jack is verytall), but yao ming is muchtall) than him.

四、按要求完成句子,每空一词。 (每空2分,共20分)

1. my hair is longer than yours. (写出同义句)

___hair is __than

2. what’s the length(长度) of your hair? (写出同义句)

howis your hair?

3. ann’s legs are 90 cm long. (对划线部分提问)

are ann’s legs?

4. john is taller than my sister. (写出同义句)

my sister isjohn.

5. his hands are bigger than yours. (变为一般疑问句)

hands bigger than yours?

五、根据句意及首字母提示,把句子所缺单词补充完整。 (每空1分,共10分)

1. she is only 5. she is y___than all the other students.

2. the white flower is bthe yellow flower is m___beautiful.

3. thursday is the f___day of the week.

4. that is thetall) dinosaur in the museum.

5. s___is the first day of a week in western countries.

6. do they like f___kites in the afternoonyes, they do.

7. my sister is two years o___than i.

8. who is tmike or john?

9. my ruler is longer than y___

六、根据短文内容填入适当的单词, 使短文的意思完整, 把正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内。(每空1分,共10分)

mike is an englishman. he lives in a __1___building in the __2___london. there are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor.

he __3___a lift (电梯)to go up and down. he works very hard. he __4___to work early.

every day he le**es his __5__ and walks to the lift. he gets into the lift. it __6___him down to the first floor.

he gets out of the lift. then he walks to __7___bus stop. the bus stop is in front of a station.

it is about two hundred meters from __8___home. usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes __9___he works in a factory about ten __10___from his home. his work starts at half past eight, and finishes at 5:

20. he gets back home at 5:30.

) 1. a. tall b. short c. small d. large

) 2. a. country b. town c. cityd. village

) 3. a. makes b. uses c. does d. sits

) 4. a. go b. wants c. swims d. goes

) 5. a. home b. building c. office d. room

) 6. a. makes b. comes c. takes d. plays

) 7. a. an b. ac. thed

) 8. a. his b. hec. himd. himself

) 9. a. by plane b. by train c. on foot d. by air

) 10. a. meters b. kilometers c. minutes d. hours


1. ab: amy is 13 years old.

2. ab: no, tom’s rulers are longer.

3. ab: i like the yellow one.

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小学语文六年级 上 周考试卷 2018.4.9 满分 40分班级姓名成绩。1 下面词语中加点的字,每一对的读音都相同的是 3分。a.模样 模型正月 立正分解 分外引吭高歌 吭气。b.中间 间断铺床 店铺更新 更换水浒传 传奇。c.结束 结构藏戏 宝藏哄笑 哄传差不多 业绩差。2 写出下面句子运用的说...