
发布 2023-02-11 15:10:28 阅读 7175



一、 请你根据句意,写出所缺的单词或短语的正确形式,使句子完。


1. there is something wrong with my head. i h**e a h

2. i’m 50kg. you’re bigger and sthan me.

3. i h**e a bad cold, i should take some mafter meals.

4. who gets up etim or tom?

5. my nose hi feel sick now.

6. don’t speak. we need to be q in the library.

7. w___the matter with you ? nothing much. don’t worry .

8. she eats too much hot food, so she has a s___tnow.

9. -does nancy sing b___than helen?


10. anna feels sick. she h___a f___

二、 情景会话。请从第ⅱ栏中选择与第ⅰ栏句子相应的对话内容,将正确答案的序号写在括号内。(每小题2分,共20分。

) long are your legsa. fine, thanks.

) the matter with youb. i’m 12 years old.

) long is your bedc. i’m 45 kg.

( )are youd. it is 120 square meters.

( )tall are youe. it is 200 cm long.

( )he**y are youf. i h**e a cold.

( )big are your feetg. thank you.

( )old are youh.76 cm.

( )large is your roomi. i’m 160 cm tall.

( )a good timej. i wear size 16.

三、 选择填空,请将正确答案的序号写在括号内。(共20分)

)1. which isthe elephant or the pig?

a. he**yb. he**ierc. he**yer

)2. my hands are bigger than

a. youb. yourc. yours

)3. how __is she ? i think she is 55 cm

a. tallb .bigc. he**y

)4. i’m than you.

a. strongb. thinc. thinner

)5. please stay in __bed and drink __water.

a. /manyb. /morec. the , much

)6some medicine and you’ll besoon.

a. h**e, fineb. take, well c. take , better

)7. how is your pencil?

a. tallb. longc. longer

)8. i’m 5 older than you .

a. yearsb. cmc. year

) 9. i can’t see __bread in the box.

a. someb. anyc. a

)10. my leg __my throat is

a. sore…hurts b. hurts….sorec. hurts…hurts

四、 按要求改写句子。(每小题2分,共12分)

1.mike goes to school on foot every day.***问句)

mike to school on foot every day?

2. the weather is fine.***感叹句)

the weather is !

3. i am two years older than amy.***同义句)

amy is two yearsthan i.

4. i am 48 kg.(划线提问)

are you?

5. they will buy some presents tomorrow.***否定句)

they buy presents tomorrow.

6. than, 4 cm, are, taller, me, you(连词成句)

五、 阅读短文。(1-5每小题1分,6-10每小题2分,共15分)

mary, jane and may are very good friends. mary is shorter than may, may is he**ier than jane. jane is thinner than mary.

how old are they? mary is seven years old. jane is twelve years old and may is nine years old.

they study at qing lang primary school. mary likes english, jane likes math and may likes music best. they all study very hard.


) are 3 children in the story.

) 2. mary is shorter than may.

) is he**ier than jane.

) 4. jane is the youngest.

) 5. they are all good friends.

b. 根据短文内容回答问题。

1. where do they study?

2. does mary like english?

3. how old is may?

4. what does jane like?

5. are they good friends?

六、 写作。(共13分)

你有要好的朋友吗?他(她)长得怎样?是怎样的一个人呢?请以“my friend”为题写一篇小作文,主要描述朋友的外貌特征,并与你自己做个比较,不少于70个单词。


六年级数学月考测试卷 二 班级姓名。一 填空题 每空1分,计26分 1 既不是正数也不是负数。2 在数轴上,从表示0的点出发,向右移动3个单位长度到a点,a点表示的数是 从表示0的点出发向左移动6个单位长度到b点,b点表示的数是 3 0摄氏度记作 零上9摄氏度记作零下3摄氏度记作 4 如果体重减少2...


六年级月考试题 10月上旬 时间 90分钟总分 100分。一 读拼音 写词语。10分 c qk i tu h n y ng ji n t ng q n w n li shm m n c c o j ng k ng w n zhu ngk ng k i j ng 二 写出下列词语的反义词。6分 格外努...


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