
发布 2023-02-06 18:33:28 阅读 7105

unit 1 单词:

1 [hum] n. 家

2 [bed] n. 床

3 [bedru:m] n. 卧室

4 [kmpju:t] n. 电脑

5 [livi ru:m] n. 客厅

6mte] n. 扶手椅

7 [suf] n. 沙发

8 [kitin] n. 厨房

9 [teibl] n. 桌子。

10frid] n. 冰箱。

13 [kp] n. 茶杯

14 [w:l] n. 墙

15 [windu] n. 窗子

16 [pikt] n. 图画

17 [klk] n. 时钟

句型。1. welcome to my new home.

2. look at the bedroom. there is a new bed.

3. look at the living room. there is a tv. there are two sofas.

4. what’s in the study? there is a new computer

unit 2-unit3单词:

1二十一 2二十二

3二十三 4ti三十

5 [f:ti四十

6 [ffti五十

7 [mju:zik**

8t美术 9 [pe体育

10 [mθs数学

11 [sbdikt学科

12 [sains科学

13 [lisn听

14 [du做

15 [spi:k说

16 [si唱

17 [ple玩,游戏

18 [kt表演

19drm] 戏剧。

句型: 1. there are twenty students in my class. (划线提问)

studentsin __class?

2. there is a pencil in my pencil-box. there are five pens in my pencil-box. (合并成一句)

a pencil __five pens in my pencil-box.

3. there are forty teachers in our school. how many teachers are there in your school?


4. there are some books in my bag. (划线提问)

5. i h**e two pens. (划线提问)

6. how many lessons do you h**e today? we h**e six.

7. we h**e chinese, english and maths in the morning.

8. what subject do you like best? i like art best.

9. what do you do in an english class? we listen and do.

10. do you like music? yes, i do, i like it very much.

unit 4 单词。

1 [wi:k星期

2 [dei白天

3 [sndi星期日

4 [tdei今天

5 [mndi星期一

6 [tju:zdi星期二

7 [wenzdi星期三


9 [sp:ts体育运动

10 [fraidi星期五

11 [stdi星期六

12 [wi:kend周末

13 [pɑ:k公园

14i:m pɑ:k游乐园

句型: 1. how many days are there in a week? there are seven.

2. how many english lessons do you h**e in a week?

we h**e three.

3. let’s play a game. great!

4. what day is today? it’ s sunday.

5. what do you usually do on weekends?

we usually go to the theme park.

6. today is wednesday. tomorrow is

7. _is the first day of the week.

8. i usually h**e a music class __friday afternoon.

9do you h**e english lessons?

on monday and thursday.

10. tomorrow is sunday. (划线提问。

unit 5

1 [piknik野餐

2 [ssid香肠

3 tklit巧克力

4 [dr画画

5 [peinti涂色

6 [s唱歌

7 [ri:di,ridi] 阅读

8 [dns跳舞

9 [dɡi慢跑

10 [eksr锻炼,运动

11 [swm] 游泳

12 [rul sket] 滑旱冰

13sketbdn] 滑板

14 [sket滑冰

15 [nutbuk笔记本

16 [eks buk练习本

17 [p买东西

句型: 1. i’d like somefor lunch.

a. breads and sausages b. bread and sausages

2. what would you like, gao wei?

a. i like some bread. b. i’d like some bread.

3. would you like some pork?

thank you. /no, thanks.

4. i will 我将要 =i’ll

i’ll go to my music lesson this sunday. i’ll sing and dance.

i’ll read a new storybook this saturdayyou?

---i’ll play computer games at home

5. what will you do this sunday?

go shopping.

6. let’s __a picnic.

7. would you like __to the park with me?

8. come and h**e lunch! i’m

goswim) tomorrow.

unit 6 单词:

1 [zu动物园

2 [gut] 山羊

3 [drf长颈鹿


5 [gi:s鹅(复数)

6骆驼 7 [si:l海豹

8dfin] 海豚。


10 [ti:kps茶杯转椅

11 [meri ɡu raund] 旋转木马

12 [rul kst] 过山车

13 [bmp k碰碰车

14 [keibl kv缆车

15 [kut长途车

句型: 1. where shall we go? we want to go to the zoo.

2. what’s this in english? it’s a giraffe.

that 3. what’s this in english?(变复数句)

4. what are those in english? they’re sheep.

5. those are goats.(变为一般疑问句并作出否定回答)

6. would you like to take a trip? certainly.

7. what a big farm!

8. look at the giraffe. it __h**e) a long neck.


unit 1单词 hum bed bedru m 家床卧室电脑客厅。kmpju t n.livi ru m mte suf kitin teibl 扶手椅沙发厨房桌子。frid n.冰箱。kp w l windu pikt klk 茶杯墙窗子图画时钟。句型 1.welcome to my new h...

四年级下单词 句型

m1一 写单词。1.西瓜2.葡萄3.李子4.樱桃5.草莓6.蓝莓7.脆爽的8.酸的9.硬的10.柔软的11.粗糙的12.光滑的13.尖的14.钝的15.厚的16.薄的17.小山18.小路19.长凳20.影子21.升起。二 中译英。1.一杯樱桃汁2.看一看猜一猜3.闭上你的眼4.在爱丽丝家5.怎么样6...


1.bedroom 课桌 椅子 living room armchair 球 风筝 kitchen fridge 桌子 书房 电脑 picture bathroom player 时钟 2.二十 twenty two 十一 十二 thirtyforty 男孩 女孩 fifty sixty 教师学校 ...