
发布 2023-02-03 09:38:28 阅读 6113

module 5 food and drinks

unit 13 the food and drinks we like

广州市萝岗区玉树小学刘凤珍 82075522

一、 教材分析。

unit 13 the food and drinks we like 是module 5的第一篇课文,本节课是unit 13的第一课时,主要是讲怎样招呼客人和询问别人的早餐吃些什么。虽然这节课的单词比较多,但是学生在。

一、二年级学过大部分有关食物和饮料的单词,只是这些单词的拼写还没有掌握,所以,主要是单词的拼写的记忆。对于本节课的主要句型:would you like some…?

yes, please. /no, thanks.在情景中是很容易理解的,主要是学生能在情景中熟练运用。

另一个句型what do you usually h**e for …?i usually h**e…在四年级上学期已经初步学习过了,在本节课中主要是巩固运用。

二、 教学对象分析。



三、 教学目标分析。


1.会听、说、读、写新单词:food, drink, coke, toast, best, coffee, porridge, noodles, rice noodles, bun


1)a:would you like some…?

b;yes, please. /no, thanks.

2) i like…best.

3)what do you usually h**e for …?i usually h**e…


1. 能听、说、读、写本课的新单词。

2. 能学以至用,能用所学的句子来谈论有关早餐的话题,能够招待客人。













1. 重点:学会用would you like some…? 等句子来招呼客人及进行有关饮食话题的交谈。

2. 难点:对句子what do you usually h**e for …?及其回答的掌握。

i like…best的理解和运用。

六、 教学**:**,食物及饮料,录音,课件。


1. free talk: t:

hello, boys and girls. how are you? p:

hello, miss liu! i am super(创设轻松的气氛)

2. organization: t:

do you want to be the winners? p: yes, i do.

t: let’s see who will be the winners. are you ready?


3. revisiont: do you like chicken?

(课件出示**) p: yes, i do.(课件出示chant,) t:

let’s chant.(进一不调动学生的情绪,进入英语学习。)

let’s chant (配乐)

chicken, chicken, chicken

i like chicken.

yummy, yummy, yummy.

cookie, cookie, cookie.

i like cookies.

delicious, delicious, delicious.

rice ,rice, rice.

i like rice.

nice, nice, nice.

in1) t: boys and girls? p:

yes? t: do you like chicken/cookies/orange jiuce(课件出示chicken orange juice and cookies和更多的食物分成food an drinks)

t: wow, there are so many food and drinks. today we are going to learn unit 13 the food and drinks we like(课件出示课题,再将课题贴在黑板上,读一次,明确本节课的学习目标)

(2)t: today is my birthday. i h**e many food in my house.

do you want to eat? do you want to go to my home and h**e a party? p:

yes, i do.

(3)t: now, let’s go! (学生列队去教师家里,配**)here we are.

come in and sit down.(创设情景有意义的情景,自然进入课文的学习)

1) learn “would you like some…? yes, please.” t:

(拿出准备好的食物cookie先吃一个)good! (然后问全部的学生)would you like some cookies? p:

(引导学生说出)yes, please. (分别再问5个学生) (将东西分给5个学生帮老师发给本组的同学,每个学生先说一次再各自去发食物)t: anvy can you help me ?


2) learn “no, thanks and coffee and coke” t: thank i h**e some coffee. and you like some coffee(两次)?

p: yes, please. t:

(倒一杯咖啡给helen)please.(helen觉得苦) t:(对全班学生)would you like some coffee?

p: no, thanks. (分别问3个学生) t:

would you like some coke(两次,问全班一次,再分别问3个学生)?(先肯定回答,再学否定回答,再在句型中学单词,学饮料,逐步推进)

3) learn the words: “toast, bun ,porridge, noodles, rice noodles” t: i also h**e many food and drinks here.

look, toast , toast. who can help me to send the toast?(请一位学生来帮忙,先说一,两次,如不会就请另一个学生,形成竞争的气氛) 用同样的方法教其他5个单词 6人各自帮老师派食物。

4) t: i know you take many food and drink. would you like to share together?(学生用自带的食物操练)

5) play a guessing game t: are you happy ? are you full?

now, let’s h**e a rest and play a guessing game. ok?(出示单词及**cake) look, what’s this?

ps:cake.(师将**贴到food类下) (出orange juice,读完后将它贴到drinks类下面) 出示一系列的新单词卡片学生读出来 now, i want 8 pupils to come here to play the want to try?

(叫8个学生,然后每人发一张单词卡片) let’s guess what would they like.. wendy ,would you like some cakes?(出示句型would you like some…?

贴在黑板上) wendy: no, thanks (贴出答句) t: who knows?

( 叫学生问,直到猜对为止,出示yes, please.叫wendy 把单词卡贴到相应的一类下面) (叫学生继续猜)(游戏调动学生的积极性,把单词分类,形成体系,有助于学生记忆)

6) learn “i like…best” (游戏结束后,回到讲台) t: when we hungry, we eat…(师生一起说出各类食物)when we thirsty, we drink…(师生一起说出各种饮料名称。) there are so many food and drinks .

i like orange juice very very much. i like orange juice best.(出示best.

读2次) t: what do you like best?(叫4个学生回答)

7) learn “what do you usually h**e for breakfast/lunch/dinner? i usually h**e…for breakfast/lunch/dinner.” t:

i like porridge, i usually h**e porridge for breakfast. what do you usually h**e for breakfast/lunch/dinner?(出示句型各叫2个学生回答) (课件,**响起,)t:

hello! miss zhong: happy birthday!

t: thank you! miss zhong:

tomorrow i ,mr yang and mr chen are going to visit you. t: ok!

miss zhong: bye. t:


miss zhong and mr chen will come tomorrow. i must prepare some food and drinks. but i don’t know what do they usually h**e for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

let’s call them and ask them. ok?(课件先后出现2个教师的相片跟学生进行对话) t&p:

zhong! miss zhong: hello, boys and girls!

t: what do you usually h**e for breakfast? miss zhong:

i usually h**e porridge for bye. miss zhong: bye.



module 5 food and drinks unit 13 the food and drinks we like 广州市萝岗区玉树小学刘凤珍 82075522 一 教材分析。unit 13 the food and drinks we like 是module 5的第一篇课文,本节课是uni...


module 5 food and drinks unit 13 the food and drinks we like 广州市萝岗区玉树小学刘凤珍 82075522 一 教材分析。unit 13 the food and drinks we like 是module 5的第一篇课文,本节课是uni...


module 5 food and drinks unit 13 the food and drinks we like 广州市萝岗区玉树小学刘凤珍 82075522 一 教材分析。unit 13 the food and drinks we like 是module 5的第一篇课文,本节课是uni...