
发布 2023-02-02 12:00:28 阅读 3061



book4 unit1-6)


part 1 听力部分。

一、listen and choose.(听选单词、词组和句子。)10分。

) 1. a. fingersb. toesc. shoulders

) 2. a. teab. teethc. three

) w**eb. wakec. make

) 4. a. thinking b. talkingc. working

) 5. a. get upb. wake upc. get dressed

) 6. a. move your desk. b. w**e your hand. c. touch your knees.

) 7. a. it’s7:50b. it’s 7:15c. it’s 8:15.

) 8. a. i go to bed at 9:

00. b. i go to school at 9:

30. c. i go to the lake at 10:

30.) 9. a. is he going to the bank? b. is she going to the hospital?

c. are you going to the shopping mall?

) 10. a. what are you doing ? b. where are you going?

c. what time do you do your homework?

二、listen and choose.(听问句,选答语。)7分。

) it he’s not. she is.

) thinking. ****** the bed. dancing.

) she’s w**ing. he’s exercising. i’m drawing.

) he doesn’t. she does. i do.

) get up at 6:30. get home at 5:30. get up at 6:15.

) i’m thinking. i she is.

) cooking breakfast. b. he’s cleaning the windows.

c. he’s going to the movie theater.

三、listen and tick or cross.(听音判断,与图相符的写“t”,不相符的写“f”。)15分。

四、listen and write.(听音补全短文)6分。

it’s sunday today. we don’t go tomy mother is going to theto buy some food. look!

my father ishis blue car in the garden. my sister is __heri am cooking. what time is it now?

oh, it’s 11:30. it’s time to eat

part 2笔试部分。


are tony and black going to the movie theater? no, they aren’t.


) k )3. mov_ _a. ieb. eic. le


(these thinking time does cleaning dishes beach)

your sister doing theyes, she is.

is your teacher going? he’s going to the

is your friend doing? ssh! he’s

go to bed.

5are gogo’s shoulders.

are you doing? i amthe windows.

timemr. brown get home? he gets home at 5:30.



my father going the the bank? he going to the restaurant?

my father going to work?


your shoulders. your shoulders. your shoulders.


gogo sweeping the floor, jenny? you sweeping the floor, gogo?

gogo cleaning the windows,jenny?


time do you go to school? time do you brush your teeth?

time do they go to school?


up. it’s time to get up. b. it’s late. it’s time to go to bed.

up. it’s time to go to school.


)1.__are you doing? italking.

b. where/is

) hungry. i’m going to the

theater pool

) is he doing? he’s*****.

) time to

dinner dinner dinner

) sister canthe windows now.



model1:what time do you go to school? i go to school at 7:20.

they, get home)

your mother, go to work)

model2:are you washing the clothes? yes, i am.


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