新译林小学英语四年级 上 期中测试一

发布 2023-02-02 08:21:28 阅读 3088



听力部分 (共30分)


) 1. d. is

) 2. d. balls

) 3. a. me b. wec. hed. his

) 4. a.我们的 b.她的 c.你们的 d. 他们的。

) 3. a.篮球 b.足球 c.游泳 d. 溜冰。


) let’s make a fruit salad.

)i can’t play basketball either.

) look at our fruit salad.

) do you h**e any grapes?

)how many stickers does your sister h**e? she has fifteen.


h:s] [taiɡ] niml] [bɑ:skitb:l] [meni] [sld] [painpl]


) he can run. b. she can jumpc. i can play football.

) 2. a. threeb. sevenc. i’m five.

) 3. a. they’re purple. b. they’re red. c. they’re black and white.

) 4. a. don’t be sad. b. i can’t fly tooc. me too.

) 5. a. yes, i amb. no, i can’tc. what about you?


hi, i’m helen. i likevery much. todaymake a fruittogether.

look. wang bing has anliu tao has somemiss li has somelook atwork. it’sdo you h**eplates?

come and join


六、单词辨音 (每小题1分;满分6分)


) 1. any banana2. panda fat

) 3. bag good4. drink in

) 5. sweet teacher6. cool look


1. cute(同义词 would(缩写。

3. thank you(同义词复数。

5. don’t(完整副词同义词。

八、英汉互译 (每小题1分;满分8分)

1. 看这只猴子5. how many rabbits

2. 十二只菠萝6. like this pie

3. 喜欢猫和狗7. from one to ten

4. 打篮球 and big apples


)1. how manydo you h**e? i h**e two.

a. monkeies b. boxesc. mangos

)2. we __an exercise-book, but lily___two.

a. h**e, has b. has, hasc. h**e, h**e

)3. whose classroom is this? it’sclassroom.

a. web. usc. our

)4. do you h**epineapples? yes, i h**e

a. some, some some

) iyour new dress? sure.

a. h**e a look b. h**e a look at c. look

)6. look at our new toys

a. it’s niceb. thank you. c. wonderful.

) 7. we don’t h**e any

a. grapeb. orangec. milk

)8. i h**e thirteen brother has five. how many stickers do we h**e together?

a. 15b. 8c. 18

十、句型转换 (每空1分,满分10分) 根据要求完成句子,每空一词。

1. i like cats. (改为一般疑问)(2分)

2. i h**e five dolls. (对划线部分提问)

do you

3. do you like monkeys, su yang ? 否定回答)

4. mike, like, lions, and, i (.连词成句)

十。一、完成对话 (每空1分,满分10分) 根据上下文,每空一词。

1. a: what’sover there?

b: is it a toy dog?

a: let’s go and see.

b: oha toy tiger. do youit?

ai don’t. i don’t like

2. a: do you h**epears?

bi do.

apears do you h**e?

b: i h**e three. would youa pear ?

a: yes, please.

十。二、句子排序 (每空1分;满分5分)


) yes, i do. what about you?

) look at this cat!

) do you like cats?

) no, i don’t. i like pandas.

) oh, it’s cute.

十。三、阅读理解 (每小题1分,满分10分) (a)

lily: hi, nancy. look,i h**e a toy cat.

nancy: how cute!

lily: do you like cats, nancy?

nancy: yes, i do. and i like tigers, too.


江苏新教材译林英语四年级上册词组。姓名。unit1 喜欢马 like horses三只熊猫 three pandas 这些老虎these tigers那只猫that cat 这只狗 this dog那些熊猫those pandas 又胖又可爱 cute and fat跟我跑 run with me ...


2015秋学期译林英语四年级上期末复习卷二。时间 40分钟总分 100分。班级姓名学号得分。listening 共30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。听两遍 每小题1分,共5分 1.a.catb.monkeyc.horse 2.a.letb.likec.h e 3.a.wellb.goodc.s...


unit1 ilikedogs 我喜欢狗。storytime 故事时间。lookatthesetoyanimals,boysandgirls.看这些玩具动物,孩子们。wow哇唔!lookatthiscat ilikecats看这只猫!我喜欢猫。it scute真可爱。hai?我喜欢狗。你喜欢狗吗,苏...