
发布 2023-02-01 20:26:28 阅读 1595




1. -are these carrots

a. yes, it is. b. yes, they are. c. no, they are.

2. -what are those

a. yes, they are. b. it’s a tomato. c. they’re tomatoes.

3. lookthe green beans.

a. at b. on

4. -how manydo you h**e? -ten.

a. sheep b. horse c. cow

5. -are they hens?

a. yes, they aren’t. b. yes, it is. c. no, they aren’t.

( )6. is it? it’s brown.

time b. what colour c. how much

( )7. it’s warm today. your jacket!

a. put on b. wear c. take off

( )8. can i wear my new shirt?

a. yes, i am. b. no, we can’t. c. yes, you can.

( )9. the shoes are your feet.

a. in b. on c. under

( )10. what’s the like in shantou? it’s cold.

a. sweater b. weather c. water

( )11.你决定买下某件东西,应对售货员说:

a. i want it. b. look at. c. i'll take it.

( )12.你觉得小宝买的十元一个的书包不错,很便宜,应说。

a. very cheap b. very pretty c. very expensive

( )13.假如你是某商场售货员,见到顾客时应说:

at my clothes, please you help me?

i help you?

( )14.你问售货员一条裤子多少钱时说:

much are the pants? many pants are there?4

much is the pants?


a b( )1. look at these sheep. a. they’re tomatoes.

( )2. what are these? b. wow!they’re so cute!

( )some. they’re good. c. yes, they are.

( )they horses? d. ten.

( )many hens do you h**e? e.

they monkeys? f. size 6.

size? g. yes, they are .

( )this the library? h. it's cool.

s the weather like today? i. it's ten o'clock.

( )s time is it now? j yes, it is.


a: oh, this farm is so big

b: they’re sheep.

ab: no, they aren’t. they’re cows.

ab: they’re white and black.

a: look! are those hens?


1. these, are, carrots (?

2. are, those, sheep (.

3. they, no, aren’t (.

4. at, look, the, green beans (.

5. do, how, many, you, horses, h**e (?

6. much, is, how, it,(?

7. shirt, is, the, yuan, ten,(.

8. i, help, you, can, (


my father has a farm. the farm is very big. there are twelve horses, sixteen cows and seventeen hens.

there are a lot of vegetables too. look, these are carrots and potatoes. those are green beans and tomatoes.

the tomatoes are yellow. they are very tasty.(美味的)i like the farm!

( )1. my father’s farm is small.

( )are twelve sheep on the farm.

( )are seventeen hens on the farm.

( )4. there are carrots and potatoes too.

( )5. the tomatoes are yellow.



一、 选择字母补全单词。(10分)

( )1、h se ( 2、beaut ful

( )3、r m ( 4、cl n

( )5、kitch n

二、 英汉互译。(12分)

1.客厅 2.非常大 3.新房子。

the bed the bathroom big but clean

三、 单项选择。(20分)

( )two bedroom,a living room ,a kitchen and a bathroom.

( )home is not very big, it’s clean.

( )my home.

( )our new house.

( )5.—is he in the kitchen?

—,he isn’t.

( )6.— is he?

—he is in the bedroom.

( )7.—where they?

—they are in living room.

( )big bedroom is my mom and dad.

( )living room is not big,but it’s .

( )10.—your house is very beautiful.

— it you


1、i h**e a schoolbag. 2、this is classroom.

3、they tv in the living room. 4、we h**e dinner in the room.

5、there is a bed in the .


例: the living room is big.


hein the bathroom? is.

is she? isn’t.

in your bedroom? is in the living room.

the living room big? is a bed and a table.


this is our new house. there are two bedrooms . the big one is for my mom and dad.

my bedroom is small,but it’s beautiful. i like it. our living room is very big,we often watch tv there.

there is a kitchen and a bathroom,too. they are not big but clean.

( )1、there are bedroom in our new house.

( )2、my bedroom is ,but it’s beautiful.

( )3、our living room is very .

( )4、we often watch tv in the .

room ( )5、the kitchen and the bathroom are .

c. not big but clean


很多四年级的学生对英语都不感兴趣,教师们可以利用英语试题来提高学生的学习兴趣。下面是本人为大家整理的小学四年级英语期末考试试题,希望对大家有用!小学四年级英语期末考试试题一笔试部分 60分 五。选择正确答案填空,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。每小题2分,共20分。library is the sec...


学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化 厚积薄发的过程。编辑了小学四年级英语期末考试试题,希望对您有所帮助!i.判断每组单词中划线部分的读音是否一致,可 或 1分 4 4分。ii.按单词的中文意思填入所缺字母。2分 12 24分。大象 房间 蛇 书包 通常 家 睡觉 老虎 猫 鸭子 小鸟 狗 iii.将...


学年度下学期期末试题。四年级英语得分 一 下面单词划线部分发音是否相同,用 或 表示。5分 face pig she box tube 二 英汉互译。10分 写字板暖和的白色的袜子。漂亮的裙子三匹马。librarygo home tomato english classa pair of sanda...