
发布 2023-01-31 21:01:28 阅读 7550


2.询问位置:where is/are +某物/某地? 答语:it’s / they’re +地点。

is my living room.

一般疑问句:把be动词提到句首,变成is this…?

is this your living room?

in+某地/某物?某地有…/某物有… 答语:there is/are+物品+in+其他。

5.询问某物的数量:how many+可数名词复数+are there+ in…?

答语:there are+数字。

be句型否定句:在be后面加not there isn’t /there aren’t


is there…/ are there..?



) 1. there is a newa. computer b. tv) in my room.

) 2. the old man has a beautifula. bedroom b. garden ).

) 3. there are twoa. toilets b. toilet) in this room.

) 4. this is a picture of aa. kitchen b. study ).

) 5. on thea. table b. sofa ) there is a toy bear.


) 1. a. living room b. bedroom c. kitchen d. house

) 2. a. tv b. chair c. table d. sofa

) 3. a. in b. under c. large d. behind

) 4. a. book b. bigc. large d. small

) 5. a. right b. come c. love d. like


) 1. welcome __my new room.

a. on b. to c. in

) 2. is there __orange window in your house ?

a. ab. anc. the

) 3. _rabbits __in the living room.

a. how many; is there b. how many; are there

c. how much; are there

) 4. there __two bedrooms in the house.

a. are b. is c. am

) 5. -are there any maps on the wall? -no, _

a. they aren’t b. there are c. there aren’t.

) 6you h**e a big house? -yes, i do.

a. are b. do c. is

) 7. the man __a large kitchen.

a. is b. do c. has

) 8. the house isn’t small. it is __

a. small b. old c. large


1. do you h**e a big house?

many rooms are there in your house?

there a study in your house?

are your sofa?

in your living room?


例子:my name is janet. i h**e a new house.

there are six rooms in it. they are two bedrooms, a study, a kitchen, a toilet and a living room. there is a tv, three sofas and a big table in the living room.

there is a computer and some books in the study. there are some flowers in the toilet. i like my room.

教案 PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit4MyHome》

pep小学英语四年级上册 unit 4 my home 第二课时教案。城关镇涧东小学赵紫洁。一 教学目标 1.能听懂 会说 this is my home.并能简单描述自己的房间。2.能听 说 认读study bathroom bedroom livingroom kitchen等单词并能在日常生活...


一 单词写得出。公寓大楼之后居住浴室淋浴餐 饭看阅读做家庭作业种某一每件事情 在外面宇宙飞船 1 词组记得牢。洗澡吃饭。看电视读书。做某人的家庭作业种花。放学后居住。玩电脑游戏一个大房子。2 句型我会背。1.my isinthat 我的公寓在那座大楼里 它非常漂亮 3.likethe我喜欢这个花园 ...


一 单词写的出。我们的教室 池 在对面 有时 体育课 工作 体育馆 吃 饭 图书馆 运动场 美术,艺术 二。词组记得牢。游泳池上课。教师办公室饭堂。在。旁边在操场的对面。我们的新学校在那边。上体育课计算机教室。教室上计算机课。在。前面玩游戏。三 根据中文提示把句子补充完整。让我带你们参观我们的新学校...