
发布 2023-01-26 15:00:28 阅读 3734



kjgu y

dfli q

二、看图, 将图下面的单词补充完整。(10分)

w_ t_ _f_ v_ r b_ _utif_ l sc_ _d fl_ _er


1. a: what are these?

b: they’re m

2. a: which sdo you like?

b: i like spring. it’s warm.

3. a: what’s the matter?

b: i h**e a h

a: that’s too bad. take care.

4. he’s hot. he wants to go s

5. a: where are you g

b: i’m going to the store

四、 单项选择,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内。(20分)

)1、--can he swim? -no

a、i canb、i can’t c、he can’t

)2、--what’s the matter? -she sick.


)3、--are you busy tomorrow

a、yes, i’m not. b、yes, i am. c、no, it’s not.

)4、--here helet’s hide.

a、comeb、comes c、coming

)5、--what are these

a、they’re lanterns. b、they’re lanterns. c、it’s a lantern.

)6、look! a girl. she’s __the water.


)7、he likes __robots.

a、******b、makes c、to make

)8、let’s___to the library.

a、gob、going c、goes

)9、--can she go___us ? i hope so.


)10、--may i help you? -i’m looking __a pen.



1how / what) wonderful!

birthday isin / on)friday.

/ doesn’t) like fall.

wants to buyhis / him)a bike.

isfrom / on)your aunt.



jimmy: wow! that’s a roller coaster.

ken: it looks 1 .

jimmy: 2 on, ken. i want to ride that.

ken: oh, it’s so cool. i like it. i’m 3 .

lili: i want to 4 a bumper car. do you 5 to come ,too?

kate:sure. let’s go.


ken: hi, lili. is it your birthday?

lili: 1

ken: oh, i see. what are these?

lili: 2

help yourself to dumplings.

ken: 3

what do you do at the spring festival?

lili: well...4

at night we look at the lanterns.

ken:oh, 5 . it’s a lantern.



ken: today is too cold. i don’t like it.

lili: why? i like winter. we can make a snowman in winter. we can skate. and

we can swim.

ken: what? swim? no, it’s too cold. i like summer. we can play outside.(户外)

and we h**e ice-cream.

lili: we h**e ice-cream in winter, too. i like eating ice-cream in winter. it’s great.

ken:oh, no. i like drinking hot chocolate in winter.

)1. this season is summer.

)2. lili likes this season.

)3. ken can play outside in summer.

)4. lili likes ice-cream.

)5. ken likes eating ice-cream in winter.


i’m tom. today is my father’s want to buy a present for father likes bikes, but bikes cost too much. so i can’t buy it.

i want to buy a shirt for likes blue and white. so i want to buy him a white shirt.

)1. today isbirthday.

a. tom’s b. father’s c. mother’s

)2. tom’s father likes

a. bikes b. books c. cars

)3cost too much.

a. shirts b. watches c. bikes

)4. tom’s father likes

a. blue b. white c. blue and white

)5. tom wants to buy ashirt.

b. blue b. white c. black



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