
发布 2023-01-26 10:44:28 阅读 6367





)1. l__ ft a. ab. ec. o

) 2. h__ ll a. tb. ic. b

) 3. r_ _d a. ae b.

) 4. st_ t_ on a. a; i b. a; a

) 5. c_ n_ ma a. i; i b. i; ac. i; e


) 1. a. thisb.

) 2. a. readb. listenc. toad

) 3. a. leftb. livec. right

) 4. a. talkb. taking c. listening

) 5. a. tureb. upc. down

) 6. a. cinema b. trainc. station

) 7. a. picture b. livec. take

) 8. a. children b. boyc. girl

) 9. a. lostb. streetc. house

) 10. a. china b. takec. talk


1. left(对应词2. up(对应词)__

3. this(对应词4. house(复数)__

5. run(-ing形式5. swim(-ing形式。

7. take(-ing形式8. listen(-ing形式。

9. go straight on (译汉语10. you’re welcome


) 1. i’m __your right.

a. inb. atc. on

) 2. i live __no.3 zhongshan street.

a. inb. atc. on

) 3. _where’s the park, please?

a. hellob. excuse me c. sorry

) 4. what __the kids doing?

a. isb. amc. are

) 5. we can see __interesting things in the park.

a. lots of b. lot ofc. a lots of

)6. sam is __basketball with me.

a. playb. playing c. to play

) 7. what __lingling doing?

a. amb. arec. is

) 8. he is playing __a toy train.

a. withb. toc. in

) 9. look at __pictures.

a. thisb.

) 10are you doing? -i’m running.

a. whatb. where c. how


) 1. 你向别人道谢时,对方会说:

a. you’re welcomeb. thank you so much.

) 2. 你想向别人介绍你的弟弟大明时,你应说:

a. this is my friend daming. b. ths is my little brother daming.

) 3. 你想告诉妈妈你正在打足球,你应说:

a. i’m playing basketballb. i’m playing football.

) 4. 你想问你的同学正在做什么,你应问:

a. what are you doingb. what is she doing?

) 5. 你的妹妹正在和朋友说话,你可以说:

a. she is talk to her friendb. she is talking to her friend.


a: _1___where is the zoo, please?

b: go straight on. turn __2___it’s on your left.

a: _3___is the shop, please?

b: _4___

a: thank you.

b: _5___

7.阅读短文,判断句子正(t)误(f)。 10分)

today is sunday. i go to the park. there are many people in the park.

some childen are playing football. two girls are taking pictures. look at that big tree!

there are some birds in it. a boy is reading a book under the tree. i am playing table tennis with my friend.

it is a happy day.

) 1. i go to the supermarket on sunday.

) 2. two boys are playing football.

) 3. two girls are taking pictures.

) 4. a boy is reading a book under the tree.

) 5. i am flying a kite.


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