
发布 2023-01-26 10:39:28 阅读 2966




on the light2. go straight on

the park___

5. 当然 luck



11. high jump12.跳得高。

13.跑14. 每天。


) are you doing. mum?

i’m __vegetable.

a. cooking b. cook c. run

)2. amy .can you __fast?

a. running b. runs c. run

) you play the no .i___

b. can’t

) to haina.

a. is

) going __plane.

) is going to___her teacher.

a .look

) is going to get up___5o’clock.

) going to h**e a___

day day . day。

) the___

a. winer

) going to___the high jump.

) that? it’s___animal.

) birthday to you .amy.

you me

) go to the park in july.


very happy b. happy birthday to you you

)15. 当别人祝你生日快乐时。你应该说___

course you very much


much birthday are there in july?

are you in july? many birthys are there in july

)17.大明想知道 sam来自**时。应该怎么说___

are you doing .sam? are you

are you going to


you want some rice ? b. do you want rices ?


on you luck


in please. on!


1. can i __h**e)some bread?

3. i don’t like january and cold and there___be) snow.

4. i’m___go)to go to hongkong in july



) i h**e some breada. yes, i can.

) is your going to the park.

) many birthdays are there? c. go straight on, turn left.

) you do thirty-five

)5. where are you going, daming? e. sorry, you can’t.


we h**e are going a day to.

2. to luck you good.

to hainan we’re go to。

4. your what’s name

5. going to get up 5o’clock at we’re

far she can.

sam what can?

am i china.

turn light the

h**e i soup soup


reading riding listening taking flying[**:z#@zs%tep.^com*]

this is lingling’s family. mum is ****** a cake. grandma isa book.

her dad isto music. lingling isa bike. her friend, amy isa kite.

sam and daming are playing football. grandpa isa picture

七、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(t), 错误的写(f)。(每小题2分,共10分)

we are going to h**e a sports day in our school. lingling can run fast. she is going to run the 100 metres.

sam can ride fast, and he is going to ride a bike. amy can jump high, and she is going to do the high jump. daming can jump far, and he is going to do the long jump.

what am i going to do? i am going to play table tennis. good luck on sports day.

come on!


上杨乡学区2014 2015学年度第一学期第二次月考四年级英语试题。一 找出相对应的大小写字母,用线连起来。10分 imgqblypwd 号glbiwqmdyp 考。二 找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写。在括号里。10分 1 a windowb boardc black 2 a fiftyb ...


2014 2015学年度第一学期。海口国中学校四年级英语第一次月考试题。时间 40分钟班级姓名得分 1 选择正确的选项,补全单词 10分 1.l ft a.ab.ec.o 2.h ll a.tb.ic.b 3.r d a.ae b.4.st t on a.a i b.a a 5.c n ma a.i...


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