
发布 2023-01-22 14:14:28 阅读 7169


nice to see you again很高兴又见到你;

be glad to see you很高兴看到你;

be back at school 回到学校;

the room is messy 房间很乱;

work too hard 工作太努力了!

come back soon 很快回来;

my dog is missing我的狗丢了;

the gold is missing金子丢了;

they will go to the zoo他们要去动物园;

look so sad看起来很伤心;

i hope so希望如此。

why are you upset/worried/sad? 你为什么难过/焦急/伤心;

new watch新手表;

english book英语书;

new football新足球;

square in shape and blue in color 方形蓝色;

look for寻找;get well**。

each other 彼此、互相。

new robot新机器人;

h**e a look 看一看。

call back回电。

lesson 7

h**e a cold得感冒了;

stay in bed待在床上;

and drink a lot of water 喝大量的水;

play football with me和我一起踢足球;

show me the new toy给我看新玩具;

go to buy markers with me和我一起去买记号笔;

come to my birthday party来参加我的生日派对。

h**e a look 看一看;

no problem没问题。

lesson 9

hold these books拿着这些书;

close the window关上窗户;

turn off the light关灯;

pass me the water把水递给我。

lesson 10

opening the door开门;

turning off the radio关上收音机;

turn on the light 开灯;

would you please… 请你干…好吗?

would you mind doing something…你介意做某事吗?

a glass of hot water一杯热水。

lesson 11

i don’t h**e my ping-pong bat with me我没带乒乓球拍;

of course当然; pencil sharpener铅笔刀;





do me a f**or帮我一个忙。

lesson 12

good friends好朋友;

be going to 打算。

lesson 13

some new books一些新书;

read these books读这些书;

bring the books to school把这些书带到学校;

drink a lot of water 多喝水;

stay in bed 待在床上;

h**e a good rest好好休息;

long ago很久以前。

lesson 14

books in his hands手中的书;

hold them for him 替他拿着;

glad to help很高兴帮忙。



kind 种类;


look nice看起来很好。

excuse me对不起,请问;

how much 多少钱;

that pair of shoes那双鞋;

that pair of slippers那双拖鞋;

these sandals这些凉鞋;

these boots 这些靴子;

those sneakers那些运动鞋。

lesson 17

it’s getting cold天气变凉了;

go with相配;

may i try it我能试一下吗?

blue t-shirt blue/shorts 蓝色t恤/短裤;

black overcoat/trousers黑色的外套/长裤;

yellow cap 黄色的帽子;

school uniform校服。

lesson 19

may i take your order 你可以点菜了吗?

some vegetables一些蔬菜;

some meatballs 一些肉丸子;

peking duck 北京烤鸭;

some jiaozi一些饺子;

a glass of soy milk 一杯豆奶;

a glass of orange juice一杯橙汁。

lesson 20

a salad/fish/mushroom soup一份沙拉/鱼/蘑菇汤;

a glass of juice一杯果汁;

a sandwich 一份三明治;

a pizza一个比萨饼。

lesson 21

here is your change这是找你的钱。

lesson 22

fast food restaurant快餐店。

lesson 23

it’s raining天下雨了;

the sun is shining阳光明媚;

it’s snowing下雪了。

lesson 24

on a farm在农场里;

in the forest在森林里;

by the lake在湖边;

on the grassland在草原上;

in the mountains在大山里;

take long walks长时间散步;

go to parks 去公园;

i love nature; 我爱大自然;

be close to nature亲近大自然;

visit my uncle看望我叔叔。

lesson 25

find out找出;

not so sure不太确信;

can’t live without these things没有这些东西不能生存。


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