学年四年级英语上学期期末测试卷 B卷

发布 2023-01-19 10:39:28 阅读 1707



goodbye, daming! good luck ! thank you ! bye-bye. come on, daming. run! run !

二. 单项选择,并将正确答案的序号填在题前括号里。(10分)

) hea. sing b. sings c. singing

) is a boy __the bike.

a. on

) 3. christmas is

a. coming b. to come

) 4is the trainit’s down the hill.

a. who b. where

) 5. what do you do __spring festival ?

a. at b. in c. on

) 6. -how __is itonly one yuan.

a. old b. much c. many

) the light!

) 8. there __four cats under the tree.

a. are b. am c. is

) 9where is the zoo , please?

go straight on.

a. oh b. sorry c. excuse me

) 10. she’sthe panda.

a. watching b. watchs c. to watch


iii ) you wash clothesa. thank you.

) are you doingb. sorry, you can’t.

) 3. can i h**e some near the supermarket

) 4. where is the stationd. i’m listening to music.

) 5. happy helloween, tome. yes, i can.

) 6. what’s sam doingf. yes, please.

) 7. do you want some juiceg. i’m going to school.

) 8. how much is ith. heis playing with a toy.

) 9. how old are youi. i’m ten.

) are you going to doj. it’s three yuan.


going toa sports day next week.

going to runthe park.

3.__are you going to dosports day ?

reading a


) he is ****** some noodles.

) do you want some noodles ?

) look at this man, daming. what is he doing ?

) mm, it’s very nice.

) yes,please.


i h**e four good friends. they are john, amy, mike and jim. we often play

together. now we are in the zoo. we see lots of interesting animals.

look! two bears and a kangaroo are eating bananas. the monkeys are jumping

up and down the hill. some parrots are singing in the tree. the dogs are playing with

the cats.

how interesting !

) isn’t in the zoo ?

a. i my father

) are the two bears doing ?

a. jumping up and down the hill. b. eating bananas. apples.

) are some parrots singing ?

a. in the tree. b. under the tree. c. on the lake.

) 4. what are the dogs doing ?

a. singing . b. playing with the cats. c. jumping.

) the monkeys jumping up and down the hill ?

a. no, they aren’t. b. yes, they are. c. yes, it is.

七。 连词成句,填写单词。(8分)

1. i, some, h**e, sweets, can (?

to, we, visit, going , hainan (.

3. spring festival is the中国的) new year.

is a panda in the photo. it’s eatin**果) .

害怕) i can’t ride fast.

6. daming is taking**).


look! this horse is eating grass !



一. 略。二.

三. 四. b

五. 2 3 1 5 4

六. 七. 1. can i h**e some sweets ?

2. we are going to visit hainan.



四年级第一学期期末测试卷。答卷时间 90分钟。卷首语 同学们,你们好!又到岁末了,通过一学期的努力,你们一定又获取了许多知识。今天就来展示展示吧,相信你们行!第一部分 基础知识积累与运用。一 在田字格里规范地写出词语,努力写漂亮!二 用 画出带点词的正确读音。气氛 f n f n 顾混 h n h ...


一 看拼音写词语 6分 y n b xu n z n ng sh y ng y l ng k m f n 二 给句子中带点的字选择正确的读音,用 画出 3分 匀称 ch n ch ng ch ng 鸟瞰 g n k n 惟妙惟肖 xi o xi o 战车千乘 sh ng ch ng 例如 l l e...


一 填空题。22分 1 广告是的一种手段。2 中秋节是月日,人们吃 端午节是月日,人们吃 3 我们应经常购买和食用标志的食品,将垃圾分类 可以 4 如果没有了路灯,人们将 如果没有了垃圾箱,我们的环境将 5 勤俭节约是中国人的传统美德,因而购买物品时要做到。6 保护消费者权益的专门法律是 消费者权益...