
发布 2023-01-19 02:25:28 阅读 7022

班别姓名unit1 hi, gogo!



1)who’s she? she’s my sister. 她是谁?她是我的姐姐。

2)who’s he? he’s tony. 他是谁?他是托尼。

3)who are they? they’re my friends. 他们是谁?他们是我的朋友。

2、is it a jet? no, it isn’t. it’s a bird.它是一架喷气式飞机吗?不是。它是一只小鸟。


)1. a: who are they? b: they are my

a. friend b. friends c. a friend

)2. _s my grandmother.

a. he c. they

)3. a: is it a jet? bit isn’t.

a. yes b. no c. ok

)4. let’s __

a. fly b. flying c. flys

)5. a: do you h**e a ruler? b: no, i __

a. am b. do c. don’t

)6. i am short. i am not __

a. tall b. hungry c. thirsty

)7. a: what’s your name? b: _name is ben.

a. my b. my c. i

)8. my motherclothes(衣服) everyday(每天).

a. washs b. washing c. washes

)9. lili (丽丽books everyday.

a. read b. reads c. reading

( )10. _is my grandfather.

a. he b. she c. we


she? she’s my grandmother.

1he, grandfather)

2they, friends)

that? it’s a stapler.


2big bird)

unit 2 what day is it today?


1、在星期几用介词on ,如:on monday 在星期一。

2、问今天是星期几用:what day is it today? it’s monday.


what do you do on monday? i play the violin on monday.


) 1dolls are there on the sofa? four.

a. how old b. how many

) 2. _day is it today?

a. who b. what c. where

) 3. _you play soccer on monday? no, i __

a. do/don’t b. does/doesn’t c. do/doesn’t

) 4. what’s this? it’s __

a. a soccer b. soccer c. two soccers

) 5. what do you do on sunday? i

a. play violin b. play the violin c. plays the violin

) 6. my birthday is __sunday.

a. on b. in c. of

) 7. a: happy birthday, jenny! b

a. sure! b. you’re welcome. c. thank you.

) 8. today is __birthday!

a. my b. i c. they

) 9. _you hungry? yes.

b. am c. are

)10. i play __badminton on monday.

a. a b. the c. \


what do you do on monday? i play the violin on monday.

1she, play the piano)

2ben, play soccer)

unit 3 can i h**e a balloon?


1、向别人提出要求:can\may i h**e a peach?可以给我一个桃子吗?

答应请求:sure. here you are.当然可以。给你。

拒绝请求:no. sorry.不行。对不起。

2、thank you. 谢谢。 you’re welcome. 不用谢。


)1. -can i __a peach? -yes. here you are.

a. h**e b. watch c. use

)2. -can i call my mother here

a. no, you can. b. sure. c. here you are.

)3. -thank you

a. here you are. b. thank you. c. you’re welcome.

)4.--can i borrow your pen, jenny

a. no. sorry. b. you can’t. c. you can.

)5that? -it’s __eraser.

a. what, a b. what’s, an c. who’s, an

)6you hungry? -yes, i am.

a. is b. am c. are

)7. what do you do __tuesday?

a. on b. in c. under

)8day is it today? it’s monday.

a. who b. what c. where

)9. -here you are

a. thank you. b. no. sorry. c. you’re welcome.

)10i use your computer? sure.

a. do b. may c. does


can i h**e a peach? sure. here you are.

1borrow your ruler)

2use your stapler)

unit 5 do you like science?



1)what subjects do you like? i like music. 你喜欢什么科目?我喜欢**。

2)what subjects do they like? they like music.他们喜欢什么科目?他们喜欢**。

3)what subjects does she like? she likes music.她喜欢什么科目?她喜欢**。


东风小学教育集团。2011学年第一学期小学美术四年级第九册期末考查。班级姓名成绩。一 填空 每题4分 1 台灯一般有那三部分组成。2 课文中所说的 中华第一灯 是指。3 节约用水是我们每个人的责任,每年的月日是世界水日,而中国水周是月日到月日。4 招贴画通常分为和主要是通过联想 拟人夸张等创作手段来...


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C 期末考试复习题

一 选择题。1.在声明类时,下面的说法正确的是 c a.可以在类的声明中给数据成员赋初值 b.数据成员的数据类型可以是register 可以按任意顺序出现 d.没有用 private public protected定义的数据成员是公有成员。2.在一个类的定义中,包含有 c 成员的定义。a.数据 b...