
发布 2023-01-19 01:12:28 阅读 9666



一. 汉语词组互译。

1.喜欢狗like dogs 2.三只猫three cats 3.两匹马two horses 4.一只动物an animal

5.又胖又可爱fat and cute 6.十三只熊猫thirteen pandas 7.一只可爱的猴子a lovely/cute monkey

8.十五只老虎fifteen tigers 9.咱们…let’s 10.做一份水果沙拉make a fruit salad

11.十四个菠萝fourteen pineapples 12.十九个芒果nineteen mangoes 13.一些香蕉some bananas

14.十七颗葡萄seventeen grapes 15.八辆玩具小汽车eight toy cars 16.多少个盒子how many boxes

17.十八张贴纸eighteen stickers 18.看一看h**e a look 19. 跳得非常好jump very well

20.打乒乓球play table tennis 21.许多篮球many basketballs 22.试一试h**e a try

23.踢足球play football 24.会游泳can swim 25.不会滑冰can’t skate

26.我们的新家our new home 27. 在客厅in the living room 28.在厨房in the kitchen

29.在卫生间in the bathroom 30.来看看come and look 31.在餐桌上on the table

32.想要would like 33.在快餐厅at the snack bar 34.一杯牛奶a glass of milk

35.一杯咖啡a cup of coffee 36.那些三明治those sandwiches37.喜欢米饭like rice

38.一些果汁some juice 39.一只鱼a big fish 40.多少钱how much

41. 二十八双鞋twenty-eight shoes 42.只要三十元钱only thirty yuan43.一把伞an umbrella

44.这些袜子these socks 45.五十条鱼fifty fish 46.四十五个雪人forty-five snowmen

47.她的长尾巴her long tail 48.短发short hair 49.大眼睛big eyes

50.小鼻子a small nose 51.他的耳朵his ears 52.一个又高又瘦的国王a tall and thin king

53.我的嘴巴my mouth 54.二十把扇子twenty fans 55.在冰箱里in the fridge

56.一个酷闹钟a cool clock 57.喜欢汉堡like hamburgers 58.五杯果汁 five glasses of juice

would you like some ( any, some ) pies?

i don’t h**e any ( any, some ) hot dogs.

do you h**e any ( any, some ) chairs?

can i h**e some ( any, some ) apples?

my friends h**e may toy (toys, toy ) pandas.

do you like bread (breads, bread)?

i like this sandwich (juice, sandwich).

these apple (apple, apples) trees are near our home.

i don’t like those lions (lions, lion).


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