
发布 2023-01-19 00:50:28 阅读 8631



二 )从下面每小题的a,b两幅图中选出符合录音内容的**。



四 ).听录音两遍,用“√”勾出你所听到的天气及每个天气情况下所做的事情。


)1、 it is cool in beijing ( 2、the jacket is 30 yuan

)3、john has a new jacket ( 4、it’s sunny in beijing

)5、grandma is at the farm.

六 ),从每小题a,b中选出符合录音内容的答语填到前面的括号中。

) 1. it isb. yes , i do

) 2. a. it’s 5 yuanb. it’s 6 o’clock

) 3. a. it’s hotb. .it’s on the desk .

) 4. a yes, it isb. yes, they are.

) 5. a. i can see 100 h**e 100 cows

二。 笔试部分。


5.( room

7.( d. white


) 1. a. face b. cat c. gate

) 2. a. milk b. ice-cream c. rice

) 3. a. desk b. she c. dress

) 4. a. fan b. bag c. class

) 5. a. white b. six c. picture


) i wear my t-shirt?__

a. no, you can't. you can't. you can.

) 2is the art room?--it's on the second floor.

) over.

) h**e skirts dress skirts

) 5.--is this __dress? -yes,it is.

) 6.__the weather like today? 's 's 's

) much __this pencil-case?

) s time __go home. c./

) 9.__it rainy?

) 10.--what arethey are cucumbers.


1. what time is it?

2. is this a skirt?

3. what colour is the pear ?

4. how many bananas are there?

5. are they rabbits?



a b ) they monkeys? a. size 6.

) size?b. yes, they are .

) this the library?c. it's cool.

)'s the weather like today? d. it's ten o'clock.

)'s time is it now?e. yes, it is.

七、read and fill the blank. 挑选句子填入对话。(5分)


amy: hello! this is amy.

mike: hi, amy. this is mike. it’s warm today. we are at a farm.

amy: really? what’s on the farm?

mike: there are many carrots and potatoes. i like cucumbers.

they are fresh. i don’t like onions. they are smelly.

amam y: are there any animals on the farm?

mimike: yes, there are. there are sheep, goats, lambs and cows.

amamy: how many cows are there?

mimike: there are one hundred cows. guess what? i can milk the cows here.


四年级英语期末测试1 听力部分 30分 一 选择相应的图画,将其标号填入题前括号内 每题2分,共10分 1 ab 2 ab 3.ab 4.ab 5.ab 二听录音,排顺序。每题2分,共10分 根据录音内容给下列 排序,将正确序号填在横线上。abcde 三 根据所听内音容给单词排序。每题2分,共10分...


1 一个数减去7.31等于14.29,这个数是多少。2 2460减去52与26的积,得多少?0.36的计数单位是 把一个正方形沿它的一条对角线对折,得到两个三角形,这两个三角形不是 三角形。a 直角 b 等腰 c 锐角 d 等腰直角。整数除以小数,商一定小于被除数 某电力公司规定,每家每月用电50度...


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