
发布 2023-01-18 14:59:28 阅读 1715

unit 1 my school


teachers’ office , library, playground, computer room, art room,music room,二,方位,地点。

first floor一楼, second floor二楼。

first 是个序数词,表示顺序。表示第一的意思。

second 也是个序数词,表示顺序,表示第二的意思。)

next to 在什么旁边。



where’s the library? where’s the teacher’s office?

it’s on the first floor. it’s on the second floor.

2, 1) is there the teacher’s office ?

肯定回答:yes,it is.

否定回答:no,it is not.(连写no,it isn’t)

2) is that the computer room?

肯定回答:yes,it is.

否定回答:no,it is not.(连写no,it isn’t)

3) do you h**e a music room?

肯定回答:yes,we do.

否定回答:no,we do not.(连写no,we don’t)

unit 2 what time is it?


breakfast,lunch, dinner , english class , music class , pe class,

get up, go to school , go home , go to bed,二,基本句型。


what time is it?(回答是it’s +数字+o’clock.)

it’s 6 o’clock.


it’s time for+事情。

eg:it’s time for breakfast.

it’s time for engish class.

it’s time to +做什么事情。

eg:it’s time to get up.

it’s time to go to bed.


6:25 six twenty-five

4:00 four o’clock (整时的时候读的时候要加o’clock)

7:30 seven thirty

ps: 指的上午,指的是下午。

unit 3 weather


春季:warm,sunny,夏季: cool,hot,rainy


1, good is the weather report(天气预报).it’s warm in beijing today.

2, here’s the world it’s hot and sunny in sydney.

三, 典型句型。

1, what’s the weather like +in+地点?

回答:it’s +描写天气气候的词语。

eg: what’s the weather like in london?

it’s rainy.

2, can i +动作我可以……吗?

肯定回答:yes,you can.

否定回答: no, you can’t.



eg: it’s 26 degrees.

unite 4 at the farm

一, 家禽蔬菜类:

tomato, potato, green beans , carrot,horse , cow, sheep , hen,二, 重要句子:

1, what are these? (this 这个---these这些)

回答:they are……

2, what are those?(that那个---those那些)

回答:they are………

3, are they tomatoes?

肯定回答:yes,they are.

否定回答:no,they aren’t.

4, these are cows.

those are sheep.

unite 5 my clothes

一, clothes(服装,衣服)


二, 典型句子与重点知识。

1, 人名的后面+’s 表示某人的。

eg: chen jie’s dress , john’s shoes ,2, are these yours?( yours=your +物品)


肯定回答:yes,they are.

否定回答:no,they aren’t.

3, i like +衣服我喜欢什么衣服。

eg:i like green skirt.

4 , 询问“谁的”用的whose。回答要用“人名+’s”

eg: whose hat is this?这是谁的帽子?

回答:it’s sarah’s.

5, put on your shirt.

hang up your dress.

take off your hat.

wash your skirt.

put away your pants

unite 6 shopping

一, in the shop在商店里。

glove,scarf,umbrella , sunglassess,二,形容商品的词。

pretty,expensive , cheap , nice,三,基本商场用语。

1,can i...表示我可以做什么?

1) can i help you?


2)can i try them on?


2, how much是对**的提问。

回答:it’s +数字+yuan.

eg: how much is this skirt?这个裙子多少钱?

it’s 89 yuan.

3,they are not for sale.他们不**。


四年级下册重点复习资料。unit 1 playground 操场 garden 花园 teacher s office教师办公室 library图书馆 canteen食堂 this这,这个 is 是 my 我的 that 那,那个 your 你的 art room绘画教室 computer room...


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