
发布 2023-01-18 09:05:28 阅读 9566


unit 1


)1. look at the car. a. 扫地。

)2. let me clean the window. b. 好主意。

)3. good ideac. 看这辆车。

) is my classroom. d. 我们有一间新教室。

) the floor. e. 我的座位在哪儿?

) go and h**e a look. f. 这是我的教室。

) is my seat? g. 让我擦窗户。

) h**e a new classroom. h.让我们去看看吧。


) is in the classroom?

a. it’s a picture. b. a board, two lights, many desks and chairs. c. it’s black.

)2. where is my seat?

a. it’s on the door. b. it’s near the door. on my desk.

)3. let’s clean the classroom .

a. that’s ok. b. thank you. idea.

)4. what colour is your desk?

a. my picture is yellow. b. my chair is red. c. my desk is green .

)5. what can you see in the classroom ?

a. i can see 35 desks. b. i h**e 35 chairs. c. i can see 35 desk.


)1. wea new computer.

a. has c. are

)2. my classroom is dirty(脏的). let’sit.

a. open b. sweep c. clean

)3the picture , please.

a. turn on b. put up c. clean

)4. -look at the picture.

a. it’s nice. here. c. great!

)5. -let’s clean the floor .

a. good job! b. goodbye! c. good idea!

)6is this ?

---it’s a desk.

a. where b. who c. what


a. it’s b. it c. is

)8a bee on the board.

a. there’s b. there c. there are

)9. letclean the board.

a. i b. me c. my

)10the light.

a. turn on b. sweep c. clean


) in the picture ? a. all right!

)2. hello, li mingb. it’s on the desk.

)3. what colour is the wall ? tree.

)4. where’s my bag? d. hi, wu ping .

) sweep the floor. e. pink.

五.根据所给的中文情景提示, 选择正确的答案。


a. what’s in the classroom ? b. where’s the classroom ? c. what is the classroom?

)2. 你建议mike 去看一看,你应该说:

a.may i h**e a look? b. look at me . c. let’s h**e a look .


me go. b. excuse me . c. after you.

)4. 你向别人介绍你的新教室,应该这样说:

a.this is my new seat. b. our classroom is beautiful. c. this is my new classroom.

)5. 不知道自己的座位时,该怎么问:

a.this is my seat. b. excuse me. where’s my seat? c. it’s near the door.


a. good morning . b. good afternoon. c. good evening .


1. blue, the , is fan

2. is , a big window it .

3. h**e a i classroom new.

4. board on is it the .

5. it is where

unit 2

一. 选出每组单词中不同类的一个。

)1. a. rice b. noodles c. dumpling d. lock

)2. a. ok b. pen c. ruler d. eraser

)3. a. lion b. kite c. monkey d. cat

)4. a. nurse b. doctor d. english

)5. a. ruler b. foot c. mouth d. nose

二. 选择正确的答案。

)1. my schoolbag isi can’t move(搬动) it.

a. nice b. he**y c. small

)2. -what are books made of ?

a. ***** b. rice c. water

)3is your hat ?

it’s blue.

a. what b. what’s colour c. what colour

)4. whatin your bag ?

a. am b. is c. are

)5you so much .

a. let b. thanks c. thank

)6. wherethey?

a. are b. is c. am

) books.

a. is b. are c . in

)8. ifull .

a. is b. are

)9. how manydo you h**e ?


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