
发布 2023-01-18 08:42:28 阅读 5061

单词:1) 词组。

later on 过了一会儿watch tv 看电视。

go straight on 直着走read a book 读书。

live in 居住在do homework 做作业。

excuse me 对不起,打扰fast food 快餐。

next to 临近的,在……旁边 wash clothes 洗衣服。

turn left 向左转turn on 打开。

turn right 向右转turn off 关闭。

play chess 下象棋。

up the hill 上山play the flute 吹笛子。

down the hill 下山h**e\has got 有。

near the house 在房子附近go to+地方去……

at the station 在车站at 5 o’clock 在5点钟。

come on 加油swim in the sea 在大海里游泳。

look at 看the next day 第二天。

take pictures 照相talk to+某人和…..谈话。

play with 玩,摆弄listen to 听。

let’s=let usget on 上车。

lots of 许多by plane 乘坐飞机。

jump high 跳得高do the high jump 跳高。

jump far 跳得远do the long jump 跳远。

for sports day 为了运动日run the 100 metres 跑一百米。

every day 每天good luck 好运气。

come on 快点,赶快come in 请进。

of course 当然get up 起床。


a:变动名词需要双写的词 run—running, swim—swimming, get—getting

需要去e 的词 make—******, take —taking, write—writing

b:特殊的名词变复数: child—children, man—men, people—people

c:缩写词:let’s=let us 让我们 m=metre 米 she’s= she is they ‘re=they are

3)介词。at 在… look at , at the station, at 7 o’clock

in 在…里面 live in, in the park, in january, in england, in hainan

on 在…上面 on the lake

under 在…下面 under the tree

to 向,对,给 happy birthday to you, listen to, talk to, next to

for 为了…, 给… for sports day

up 向上 up the hill, stand up

down 向下 down the hill, sit down


what 什么 what are you doing? what are you going to do for sports day?

where ** where is train 1? where are you going daming?

5) 动词。

write 书写 read 读 row 划 want 需要,想要 drink 喝 make 制作。

cook 烹饪 love 喜爱 can 能够 run 跑 jump 跳 ride 骑 draw 画。

visit 拜访,看望 count 数数。


purple—peoplewash—watch thirteen—thirty

7) 分类词。

颜色:purple, pink, white, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, black

数字: 13~19 20~90 twenty-five

地点:supermarket, house, park, station,食物:rice, noodles, vegetable, soup, biscuit, fruit, sweets

时间:today, tomorrow, january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december.

原则:1)大写:句子的首字母需要大写 he’s playing football with daming.

专有名词大写:人名: amy, daming 地名:hainan, beijing

国名: england, china 月份: january, february

sports day

2) 用什么提问,用什么回答 h**e you got an elephant? yes, i h**e. \no, i h**en’t

what are you doing? i’m listening to music

can you run fastyes, i can.\ no, i can’t

what are you going to do? i’m going to go to hainan.

can i h**e some sweets? yes, you can.\sorry, you can’t.

3) you 和 i 互换原则

句型。1)be+ doing 现在进行时翻译:正在做…

he is swimming in the sea.

2) can you ….yes, i can 翻译: 你能做….

no, i can’t

can you run fast?

3) do you want some …?yes, please 翻译: 你想要…..

no, thank you.

4) be going to+ 动词原形翻译: 打算做…

we’re going to go to hainan tomorrow.

we’re going to h**e a sports day.

i’m going to run the 100 metres

5) can i h**e some…? yes, you can翻译: 我能吃\ 喝…

sorry, you can’t.

句子。1. h**e you got你有什么?

h**e you got 26 points? h**e you got fast food in england?

2. here’s an orange one这是一个橘色的。

3. i live in no.2 west lake road. 我住在西葫芦二号。

4. -thank you so much非常谢谢你。

---you are welcome不客气。

5. it’s next to a supermarket它在超市附近。

near the houses它在房屋附近。

is at the station他在车站。

8. my little brother is playing with a toy train. 我的小弟弟正在玩火车。

9. what are you doing, children? 孩子们,你们正在干什么?


1 填空。1 最大的两位数与最小的三位数的积是。2 已知26 27 702,那么26 54 3 两个数相乘,如果一个因数扩大为原来的2倍,要使积不变,另一个因数应。4 已知a b 1200,那么 a 2 b 2a 8 b 8 改写成以万为单位的数是省略亿后面的尾数得到的近似数是 6.若49 000 ...


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复习 四年级

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