
发布 2023-01-05 12:36:28 阅读 6612

unit 7

1、the lake is eight feet (deep).


举例:two meters high/two meters in height

2、china is larger thanin africa.

other country

of the other countries other country

笔记:“形容词比较级+than any other+单数名词”相当于“最高级+单数名词”或“形容词比较级+than the other+复数名词”

举例:this book is more difficult than any other book here.

this book is the most difficult book here.

this book is the more difficult than the other books here.

asia is bigger than the other countries on the earth.亚洲是世界上最大的洲。

3、lanzhou is the only capital city that the yellow river,the second

river in china,passes through.


this apple is the biggest of all.

tokyo is the biggest city in japan.



the amazon river is the second longer river in the world.(x)

the amazon river is the second longest river in the world.(对)

4、the world’s population is growing and there is land and water for growing rice.



2)“分数/百分数+of the population”作主语时,谓语用复数。

3)对人口提问不用how many/how much,而用what或how large/how big

what’s the population of china?

how large is the population of china?


beijing has a large population.

5)说某地有多少人,常用···h**e/has a population of`··the population of···is···

5、tim isbut his sister is much .


笔记:可以修饰比较级的有a lot,a little,much,a bit,even,far,比较级前面不能用very,so,quite,too等词修饰。


错误:this pen is very more expensive than that one.

正确:this pen is much more expensive than that one.


she her eyes the sun with her hands.

笔记:使免受protect against/from

7、the magazine was started by becky, i know .

far as well as soon as much as

笔记:as far as i know据我所知。

8、many people will go to the concertinclude)teachers,students and parents.


my job doesn’t include ****** dinner for the class.

9、the art museum (成功)in displaying the new paintings.

笔记:succeed in doing sth做某事成功。

10、--would you please show me the way the bank?

---yes,go straight ahead .it’s opposite a school.

笔记:show sb sth/show sth to sb把某物给某人看。

show sb how to do sth向某人说明怎样做某事。

show sb the way to···告知某人去···的路上。

11、if we chinese work hard together,china dream will

out true


2)come true实现,多指梦想、蓝图、计划,主语是物。

12、--how many new desks and chairs are there in your school this year?

---there are over 3, of us has one.(选出与over相近的词语)

than than many as

笔记:“more than one+可数名词单数”作主语时,虽然指两个以上的人或者物,含有复数意义,但谓语动词仍为单数形式。

more than one person knows about that .

13、--what do you think of your school,linda?

---it’s a good place for us to ourselves for the future.

笔记:prepare sth for sb/prepare sb sth为某人准备某物。

14、--what happened to marc?

---he fell the bike a snow morning.

笔记:fall off the bike“摔下自行车”具体某一天或者某一天早上用on

15、--how often do i need to the dog?

---it must be given food every day,or it will be hungry.


feed是及物动词,意为“喂养,饲养”,feed on 以···为食horses feed on grass.

16 、he sat down and watched wangwang a friendly black cat.

up at on with

17 、there is a man you outside the office.

for wait for

笔记:there be sb doing sth有某人正在做某事,wait for等待。

1)“there be+sb/sth+doing sth”意思是“有某人/某物正在做某事”

2)there must be sb/sth doing sth+地点表示“某处一定有某人/某物正在干某事”

there must be a child crying in the room.

3)there be 表示“某处有某物/某人”就近原则,there is a teacher and ten students in the classroom.


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