
发布 2023-01-05 11:13:28 阅读 1886






) throat c. through

( )black c. blind

)3 .a. repairb. prepare c. realize

( )4 .a. niceb. notice c. twice

( )5. a. depend on b. put on c. keep on



6. what will the boy do this afternoon?

a. go cycling b. do homework c. play basketball

7. where does the girl volunteer to work?

a. help kids learn to read b. clean the room c. help the sick kids

8. which part of the body did kate hurt?

a. head b. finger c. back

9. what will victor bring?

a. tent b. computer c. phone

10. where may the two speakers be?

a. hospital b school c. restaurant

11. what does the girl ask the boy to do?

a. pass her some hot tea

b. drink some hot water with honey

c. pour some hot water into the blender

is the matter with d**e?

a. he hurt his arms

b. he hurt his back

c. he hurt his legs

13. what is jerry doing now?

a. he is doing his homework

b. he is reading a book

c. he is taking out the rubbish

14. what did tony help the girl do?

a. he took her dog for a walk

b. he looked after her cat

c. he fed her fish

did paul work in the animal hospital

a. last thursday

b. last sunday

c. last saturday




16. what was the matter with lily?

a. she did not pass the math test

b. she got bad grades in the english test

c. she had a car accident

17. what is lily doing now?

a. she is running on the playground

b. she is crying on the playground

c. she is lying in bed


18. how did jane get to school this morning?

a. by bike b. on foot c. by bus

19. how many bikes are there in front of jane’s house?

a. one b. two c. three

color is jane’s bike?

a. red b. blue c. yellow



21. which part of the body did ted hurt?

a. his left leg

b. his right foot

c. his left hand

did ted feel at home

a. busy and happy

b. relaxed and lonely

c. bored and worried

did ted’s classmates come to see him

a. on sunday morning

b. on saturday morning

c. on saturday afternoon

did cindy bring ted

a. some movie tickets

b. some cartoon books

c. some cartoon ***s

will take ted’s place in the basketball game

a. jim

b. jerry

c. esam







---i h**e a bad cold.

a. what color do you like

b. what’s the matter with you

c. where are you

d. what’s the weather like

32. more and more students pay attention to the __of english.

a. important b. importance c. spirit d. decision

jane take __her mother?

---yes, they are both tall and thin.

a. like b. for c. after d. up

34 . sandy said she did not enjoy __at the party.

a. herself b. himself c. yourself d. myself

35. i h**e trouble in math .i am very worried

---never __believe in yourself

a. put up b. give up c. hurry up d. look up

36. there is something wrong with kate’s __so, she can not walk fast.

a. fingers b. feet c. teeth d. leg

37. laura often __books from me and __them to others.

a. lends; borrows b. borrows; borrows c. lends; lends d. borrows; l ends

38. it is very kind of you to __us __food

up b. provide; with c. afford ; to d. serve; for

lin’s brother __playing table tennis, but now he doesn’t like it.

a. is used to liking

b. is used to like

c. used to liking

d. used to like

40. why does li hua practice speaking english so hard?

___abroad for further study

a. go b. to go c. to going d .goes

41.--kelly didn’t h**e breakfast in the morning .


2016 2017学年度八年级语文第二次月考试题。班级 姓名成绩得分 共100分,考试时间45分钟 一。诗书腹有气自华 共52分 伫立在窗前,不经意的一pi 看到了外面粉妆玉砌的世界。雪花还在簌簌飘落,越下越大。树上残存的叶子,伴随着西北风在摇曳,落到地上,便是一片狼籍。每个走在雪地里的行人似乎都变...


一,基础知识及运用 32分 1 请将下面的语句用正楷字或行楷字准确 规范 美观地抄写在田字格里。3分 不是每一道江流都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖 不是每一粒种子都能成树,不生长的便成了空壳!2.下列加点字注音全都正确的一项是 2分 a 旸谷 y ng 璀璨 c n 目光灼灼 zhu 堕 hu 事。b...


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