
发布 2022-12-31 08:51:28 阅读 3116

unit 1 do you collect anything?

the aims:

1. to let students talk about their hobbies

2. get to know how to show their hobbies to others.

3. asking and answering questions about hobbies

key structures:

1. sentence components (part of speech): subject, verb, object, (direct and indirect), object complement, predicative, adverbial

2. spend … in) doing / spend…on sth …

3. as well as; as a result; such as…


p96 42. read the conversation

unit 3 language in use

the aims:

4. to let students talk about their hobbies

5. get to know how to show their hobbies to others.

6. asking and answering questions about hobbies

key structures:

4. sentence components (part of speech): subject, verb, object, (direct and indirect), object complement, predicative, adverbial

5. spend … in) doing / spend…on sth …

6. as well as; as a result; such as


1. workbook p96 1.4.9

2. write down the key words and sentences

module 2 friendship

重点短语:1. hold the line (不挂断**)等一下。

2. right now现在。

3. whether … or not 是否。

4. in fact 事实上。

5. feel like觉得。

6. by the way 顺便说。

7. far away遥远。

8. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事。

9. make friends with sb 与某人交朋友。

10. worry about 担心。

11. at that moment 在那时。

12. day by day 一天天地。

13. at first 开始。

难句讲解:1. yes, our last public concert will be here on starsearch in a couple of mouths.


a couple of 表示“一些,几个”如:

my sister will be back in a couple of hours.


i want to h**e a couple of cakes.


2. what does it feel like? (中国让你)感觉如何?


what does it feel like to be a famous basketball player?


what does it feel like? =what do you think of china?

how do you like china?


3. every time i heard the other students talking and laughing. i felt my heart break.


every time 在本句中引导一个状语从句,意思是“每次……”every time = each time.如:

every time / each time i ask you to do something. you always say you’re too busy.


every time we went to beijing, it always snowed.


4. day by day, i became closer to everyone in my class.


day by day 表示“每天,一天比一天地,日益”如:

my brother grew stronger day by day.


the things changes day by day.


5. one day i asked him why he smiled but he couldn’t remember smiling at me!


remember doing sth. 表示“记得曾经做过某事”。如:

i remember seeing the cat.


remember to do sth.表示“记住要去做某事”。如:

remember to close the windows before you le**e.


did you remember to buy a bottle of milk?


6. now i believe that the world is what you think it is.



that the world is what you think it is 是一个宾语从句,做动词believe的宾语。

在这个宾语从句中,what you think it is 有是一个表语从句,意思是“你想象的那个样子”。

宾语从句:当谓语动词表示肯定的概念时, 如“希望” “相信” “知道” “说不过去”

其后面的句子一般用that 引导。that 没有任何词汇意义,只具有语法功能,使读者清楚后面的句子是前面动词的宾语。除此以外,由于从句中有自己的主语,很容易与前面的主句分开,因此多数情况下that可以省略。

如:betty thinks (that) books improve knowledge. 贝蒂人为书可以拓展知识。

i hope (that) it will sunny this afternoon. 我希望今天下午天晴。

i believe (that) you’re right. 我相信你是正确的。

有一点要注意,并非所有的动词后面都可接 that 引导的从句。 接 that 引导的从句的谓语动词不可含有疑问的含义,常见的多是表示观点、看法、意念、要求等方面概念的词,如。

believe, feel, hear hope expect explain prefer promise report say see tell think understand wish warn 等。

2. whether / if 引导的宾语从句。

同学们可能会问:whether / if 本身作“是否”讲,是不是说,如果我们要。

表达一个不确定的概念,比如“记不清” “不知道” “问” “想知道”

等等,就要用 whether / if 表示?

是的。如果我们要表达“他不知道他们周六是否会去植树” 、我记不清楚。

以前是否见过他” 这样的意思,从句就要用 whether或if连接,不能再用。

that .比如:

he doesn’t know whether he will go to the park or not.


i can’t remember whether / if i h**e done this math problem before.


词汇 2019外研版八年级下

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