新目标英语八年级上单词表中考考点2019 Unit

发布 2022-12-30 06:26:28 阅读 9684


unit 1 where did you go on vacation?


(表示某人)用于疑问句、否定句和if/ weather 从句中。与someone(肯定句)相对应。(表示任何人)可用于肯定句。

anyone做主语时,谓语不能用否定形式。anyone is not here. (no one/none is here.

用作主语,谓语动词用单数;若需用代词代替,可用单数he, him, his (正式)或复数they, them, their (非正式)均可:

if anybody[anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait.要是有人来,让他等着。


只能指人,不能指物;且其后一般不接of短语。若是指物或后接of短语,可用any one (分开写):

any one of the plans will do.这些计划中的任何一个都行。

any one of our employees could be the informer.我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者。


1) jim’s taller than anybody [anyone] else in his family.

2) jim’s taller than anybody [anyone] in my family.

第一句在anyone, anybody之后用了else,是因为jim是his family中的一员;第二句没用else,是因为jim不是my family中的一员。

2016江苏泰州) 9. -is thereelse in the classroom?

-it is emptyis listening to a speech in the school hall.

a. anyone; anyoneb. anyone; everyone

c. everyone; anyoned. everyone; everyone


在任何地方 anywhere


she didn’t h**e anyplace to go.她没有什么地方可去。

we’re afraid to go anyplace alone.我们害怕单独去任何地方。


wonder ~wonderful

2013贵州毕节)28. the tv play isi h**e seen it three times.

a. terribleb. wonderful c. boringd. disappointing


完成句子.no wonder that … 难怪…

不多,很少 few

few ~a few

few和a few后面要接可数名词的复数形式;从意义上看,few用来强调小数目的否定意义,相当于说“很少”或“几乎没有”,它的含义是该数目令人失望或令人吃惊的小。如:

few people like snakes.很少有人喜欢蛇。

i know few of them.他们当中我几乎不认识什么人。

a few的意思与few不同,它没有否定含义,它表示“有几个”,有时甚至还表示“一些”。如:

after a few tries they g**e up.试过几次之后他们就放弃了。

当要与一段时间连用时,我们总是用a few,不用few。如:

we need a place where we can stay for a few days.我们需要一个能住几天的地方。

a) few 可以直接修饰名词,但修饰人称代词时,应写成(a) few of +宾格人称代词。

no fewer than 不少于;only a few 只有一些;quite a few 相当多;very few 极少;

few & a few & little & a little

2012湖北孝感)25. several years agopeople knew yao ming. but now he is well-known all over the world, not only in china.

a. fewb. littlec. manyd. most


2024年北京市海淀区) the text book is very easy for you. there are __new words in it.

a. a few b. a little c. few d. little



2024年杭州)in our exam. the more careful we are. the __mistakes we’ll make.

a. little b. better c. fewer


解析:“the+比较级,the +比较级”句式;比较等级意义辨析。

相当多quite a few

注意not a few和quite a few这两个短语,不要误认为它们是反义词,其实它们几乎是同义词,都可表示“不少”“相当多”的意思。如:

not a few of the members were absent.不少会员未出席。

quite a few of us are worried.我们不少人很着急。


most ~ many/much [原]


air pollution isserious) kind of pollution. (the most serious)

china has themuch) supercomputers on the top 500 list with 167 systems. (most)

某事;某物 something




2012广西钦州)33.there iswith my computer. can you help me mend it?

wrong wrong wrong s/omething

答案】c2017辽宁抚顺) looked for you just seemed to h**eimportant to tell you.

解析】答案:c;句意:李先生刚才找你了,他好像有什么重要的事要告诉你。用于肯定句,泛指某事,something important重要的事,故选c。

2016广西来宾)35. dear classmates, may i h**e your attention, please? i h**e __to tell you.

a. important somethingb. important anything

c. something importantd. anything important

答案】c2014甘肃兰州)38. i've been so bored for a long time. i hope to h**eto do.

a. exciting anythingb. nothing exciting

c. something interestingd. good something


h**e nthing to do with. 与…无关。nothing but 只有,只不过。

i h**e nothing to do with the matter. 我和那件事没有关系。

i can do nothing but bless you. 我除了祝福你还能做什么呢。



2013内蒙古包头)25. this tv play can be very interesting, but __can be enjoyable unless you like it.

a. anythingb. somethingc. everythingd. nothing



unit 1 1.声音。2.机器人。3.家务,家务事。4.早已,已经。5.每件事物。6.纸 纸张。7.few的比较级 较少的。8.简单的,简易的。9.树,树木。10.外形,形状 11.建筑物,楼房。12 面试,面谈。13 人,人类。14 太空,空间。15 科学家。16 飞行。17 动词take的过去...

人教版新目标英语单词表八年级上 可供默写

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