
发布 2022-12-29 23:57:28 阅读 9567



1. funny2. short

3. little4. friendly

5. tall6. he**y

7. young8. big

9. thin10. outgoing

二 、重点词组识记。

1. 和┈一样2. 擅长于。

3. 使某人做某事4. 关心,在意。

5. 与┈不同6. 使显现出。

7. 与……相似8.感动某人。

9.只要、既然10. 事实上。


13最舒适的座位14. the biggest screens15. so far16.最好的服装店。




1. who ishe**y), wang lin or lin tao?

2. mr. green isserious) than mr brown.

3. the sun isbig) than the earth.

4. unit 4 isdifficult) than unit 5.

5. my mother isyoung) than your mother.

6.it's funwatch) people show their talents.

7. who is thewin) of the 100 meters race ?

8. i can dancewell) than any other student in our class.

9. jim works ashard) as jim. so they both get good grades.

10. can you say itloud) ?i can’t hear you .

11. i like the friend who is a goodlisten) .

12. it’s not very important for mebe) the same.

13. she likes to h**e friends who aredifference) from her.

has long hair, but her sister’s hair is longer thanher).

15. i like to h**e a friend who enjoystell) jokes.

16. when people watch the show,they usually play a role indecide) the winner.

17. it is very necessary for usread) english in the morning.

18. he can hardly make the babystop) crying.

19. the movie is veryand i amin it. (interest)

20. he singswell) than his sister.

21.the talent shows can give people a way __make) dreams come true.

22.not all people enjoy those___song).

23.you can sit __comfortable) here and relax.

24. thanks forhelp) me.

25. his brother is areport).

26: this coat isexpensive)than that one.

27. you can sit the mostcomfortable) at sun cinema.

28.一what do you think of funky fashions? 一i think it’s thebad).

it has really bad service .


athletic; good; much; outgoing; quiet; many; kind; same)

1. jack has __than one sister.

2. liu ying talks __than liu li.

3. li hua is my friend. she’s a little __than me.

4. do you look the __as tom?

5. tom often exercises after class. he is __than me.

6. he is not as __at sports as his sister.

7. paul is never___he can’t stop talking.

8. mr. wang is a __man. he always helps others.

五。 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。

1. i h**e two票)to the basketball match.

2. tam listens very cin class. all the teachers like him.

3. he can speak english更好地)than i.

4. the supermarket has the最新鲜的) fruit.

六。 基本句式

1. 谁是最好的表演者?

who is

2. 他们在决定获胜者方面起着重要的作用。

theyin deciding the winner.

3. 才艺演出变得越来越受欢迎。

talent shows are getting

4. 你认为这些表演怎么样?

what do youthe shows?

5. 谁唱歌唱得最动听?

who sings


一 积累与运用 28分 l 下列词语中加点字读音无误的一项是 3分 a 衰草 shu i 诞生 d n 遗骸 h i b 农谚 y n 哺乳 b 潮汐 x c 萌发 m ng 繁衍 y n 褶皱 zh d 蟾蜍 ch 频率 p ng 劫难 ji 2 下面句中无错别字的一项是 3分 a 尽管各国海关动...


一 积累与运用 28分 l 下列词语中加点字读音无误的一项是 3分 a 衰草 shu i 诞生 d n 遗骸 h i b 农谚 y n 哺乳 b 潮汐 x c 萌发 m ng 繁衍 y n 褶皱 zh d 蟾蜍 ch 频率 p ng 劫难 ji 2 下面句中无错别字的一项是 3分 a 尽管各国海关动...

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