
发布 2022-12-29 11:54:28 阅读 5325


1. i like english very much, so i___read english books in the morning. b.

hardly ever c. neverd. don’ ever c.

usually d. almost

3.__doyougoshoppingwithyourmother?-sometimes. a.howoften b.howmany c.how much d how old

4. my father tries __vegetables five times a week. a.

eat b. eatingc. to eat d.


5. if you want to be healthier, you must eat __junk food, i think. a.

moreb. less c. fewer d many6.

-what’syourf**oriteit’scctv3. d. animal7.

-howoften___sheexercise?-twiceaweek. did

to9he is illhe goes to school. a. although, but bc.

/although d. although, /a.lookfor b. look after c.

look at d. look into

at d. with

doesn’t look after hershe often eats___food.

a. healthy; healthy b. health; health c. healthy; unhealthy unhealthy

a. quietb. busyc. different d. active

14. here __the results __the student activity survey. a.

is; withb. are; of c. is; of d.

are; with

15. _homework, we do their homework on sunday. a.

as for b. as toc. as of d.

as from

16.——what's the matteryou?——i h**e a sore throat.

a. to c. with d.

't___c feel best d. feel well

brown got __because paul was late in the moming. a. happy c. early d. angry

19. nancy has a___and she should go to see a dentist. a. cold c. toothache d. fever

20. when you are thirsty, you want to

21.—we shouldn' t eat___junk food.—yes, you' re right.

a. too many too c. too much d.

much too

22. i think it's important __in good health. a. to keep b. keepingc. keep d. keeps

23.—when you areyou should listen to some music.——yes, music isrelaxing.

a. stressed out b. stress c.

stressing ou d. stressing24.——tony,mayiaskyou___questions?

——ofcourseyoucan. little c. a few d.

a little

25.—i think we should eat more fruit and vegetables to __healthy.—i agreewith you.

c. need d. take

26. my mother is very busythe moment. a. in b. at c. ond. as.

27.——it is raining nowwe can' t play basketball outside.——but wecan watch nba games at home.

a. because b. but c. so d. although

28. people are trying to findto keep healthy. a. reports c. kinds d. lists

29.—mrzhang,youlooksotired.—'clocklastnight. b. before c. on

30.—why is bob so sad

a. because he passed the exam yesterday b. because his family are really ' andsmells .

good, good d. well, well

32. chinese doctors believe that they should eat more foods tofu. b.

like c. as d. and

shouldn’t drinkwater before sleep. a. too muchb. much tooc. too many d. too less

34important to exercise every it’sb. that’sc. they’red. this is

35. you are so busy. what do you want mefor you? a. do b. donec. to do d. doing


1. my father plays basketballtwo) a week.2.

jodie oftenexercise) in the park.3. maria isact) at school.

4. hewatch) tv every night.

5.—how often does your mother exerciseone) a week.三、完成句子。(20分)


2.天天跑步对我们的健康有好处。running every day isourhealth.


4.我健康的生活方式帮着我取得好成绩。my healthy lifestyle helps me





10.至于家庭作业,大部分学生天天做四。句型转换(10分)划线提问)domoststudents exercise?

2. i sleep nine hours every night.(就划线提问)hours doyou sleep every night?

3. my f**orite program is animal world.(就划线部分提问)yourf**orite program?

划线部分提问)your sister oftenon weekends?

划线提问)doessheher homework at school?

6. he has a fever.(就划线部分提问with him?7. tom should eat something.(变成否定句)tomeat

8 my headache startedtwo days ago.(就划线提问your headache

9. i h**e a cold.(变成一般疑问句youa cold?

10. she has a toothache.(变成否定句)shea toothache五.完型填空。(15

billis__1__ plays ping-pong very __5__ and he plays it everyday. sometimes he playsbasketball,bill has good __7__ habits. he likes eating __8__ and fruit.

he eats __9__apple every day. so he always keeps healthy. i like playing __10__ him.

( ib. mec. myd.

mine( )has b. h**ec. hadd.

h**ing( )so b. butc. andd.

then( )swim b. swims c. swimingd.

swimming( )good b. wellc. betterd.

best( )so b. butc. andd.

then( )eating b. eatc. eatsd.


) vegetable b. vegetables c. a vegetable d. anvegetable

) ab. anc. thed. /六、书面表达。(共15分)




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