
发布 2022-12-29 00:25:28 阅读 8136


1. look like 看起来像…

2. by noon 到中午为止。

3. on the weekend 在周末。

4. look through 浏览。

5. wait in line 排队等候。

6. a ball game fan 球迷。

7. h**e a wonderful time 过得愉快。

8. on saturday night 在周六晚上。

9. thank you so much for … 为…而非常感谢你。

10. be friendly to 对…友好。

11. feel like 感觉像…

12. part of …的一部分。

13. h**e a hard time doing… 做…时很费劲。

14. come along 出现,发生。

15. enjoy doing 享受做…的乐趣。

16. be good at … 擅长于…

17. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。

help sb. (to) do sth.

18. a lot easier 容易的多。

19. get along 相处。

20. be careful to do sth. 小心去做某事。

21. at least 至少。

22. at this time 此时。


1. it's a nice day, isn't it?今天是个好天气,不是吗?

yes, it is. 是。

2. you're ben's sister, aren't you? 你是本的姐姐/妹妹,对吗?

yes, i am.是的,我是。

3. you love violin music, don't you?你喜欢小提琴乐曲,对吗?

yes, i do. 是的,我喜欢。


1. i hope so. 我希望如此。此处so 是副词,意为“如此”“如是”.如。

-our team will win. 我们队会赢的。

-i hope so.我希望如此。

2. by 不迟于;在什么……之前。

do you think it'll stop by noon? 你认为中午之前雨会停吗?

3. i hope the bus comes soon. 我希望汽车快点儿来。


4. look through 浏览;翻阅;看一遍。

look through this plan for me, and tell me what you think of it.


5. sometimes it isn't easy being the new kid at school.



6. come along 表示“出现”“来到”或“发生”,如:

take any opportunity that comes along. 抓住每一个出现的机会。

7. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好或对某人友善;

he's not very friendly to newcomers. 他对新来的人不太友善。

8. he sure is 他的确是…


it sure was very cold.天确实很冷。


are you sure of your facts? 你确信你说的都是真的吗?

9. to h**e successful small talk, both people need to ask questions.



i saw him on both occasions. 在那两个场合我都见过他。

both经常用作代词。如: both of us want to go to the park.我们两个够想去公园。


do you need any help? 你需要什么帮助?

need 也可做情态动词,但一般只用在否定句中。如:

you needn't wash these dishes.这些盘子你不用洗。

10. alone意为“单独、独自”相当于by himself.如:

we're alone on this island. 这个岛上就我们这些人。

she always goes home alone. 她总是一个人回家。

11. alone/lonely


he lives in a lonely place alone.他独自住在荒郊野外。

he was alone, but he didn't feel lonely. 他虽独自一人,但并不感到寂寞。

12. wait to do sth. 等候做某事, can't wait to do sth. 等不及做某事。如:

the reporters are waiting at the airport to welcome the hero back.


the children can't wait to open the presents in the stockings.


13. 辨析 cross, crossing和across

(1)cross n. 十字形,十字记号 vt. 穿过,越过,横过。

(2)crossing n. 十字路口,交叉点。

(3)across prep. 穿过;横穿例:

14. cost 意为“值”“花费”,通常以物作主语,即:某物花(某人)多少钱。如:

that house cost him 3000 000. 那所房子花了他30万。

it costs them 10 000 a year to run a car. 使用一部小汽车每年花他们一万。

15. i feel like part of the group now. 我感觉像这个群体的一部分了。

feel like.“感觉像…”后面跟名词或动名词。如:

i feel like flying. 我感觉像在飞。

she feels like dreaming. 她感觉像在做梦。


1. 反意疑问句由两部分组成,前面是陈述句,后面是简短问句。如果前面是肯定句,后面一般是否定问句,如果前面是否定句,则后面多是肯定句。

2. 反意疑问句使用中应注意:

除there be句型外,疑问部分的主语必须是与陈述部分的主语在人称数性方面保持一致的人称代词。

there be句型的疑问部分的主语用there.

there is going to be a class meeting on friday afternoon, isn't there?

当陈述部分的主语是everyone, someone, anyone, no one等不定代词时,其疑问部分的主语可用he, 也可用they.

everyone knows his job, doesn't he?


you can swim, can't you?


beijing is a beautiful city, isn't it?


your father likes playing basketball, doesn't he?

will you? won't you? would you?

can you? can't you? could you?

用于祈使句后的疑问部分。用won't表示“邀请,”will, would, can, 和 can't 表示“请求”.否定的祈使句后只能用will you.

try the new dress on, will you?

注:祈使句let's…后,用shall we,let us…后用will you.

let's go home, shall we?


一,重点词组。1.look like 看起来像 2.by noon 到中午为止。3.on the weekend 在周末。4.look through 浏览。5.wait in line 排队等候。6.a ball game fan 球迷。7.h e a wonderful time 过得愉快。8....


三,重点难点释义。1.i hope so.我希望如此。此处so 是副词,意为 如此 如是 如。our team will win.我们队会赢的。i hope so.我希望如此。2.by 不迟于 在什么 之前。do you think it ll stop by noon?你认为中午之前雨会停吗?3....


八年级下册英语第十单元知识点整理一,重点词组1.look like看起来像,2.by noon到中午为止3.on the weekend在周末4.look through浏览5.wait in line排队等候6.a ball game fan球迷7.h e a wonderful time过得愉快...