2019中考英语词组汇总 八年级下册 仁爱版

发布 2022-12-28 09:40:28 阅读 4102



鍏勾绾т笅 say thanks to鍚戔﹂亾璋?be proud of 楠勫偛 cheer up浣库︽尟浣?at first棣栧厛 fall into钀藉叆 in the end鏈鍚?

come into being褰㈡垚锛屾垚绔?make peace with sb涓庢煇浜哄拰瑙?be strict with瀵规煇浜轰弗鍘?

take it easy鏀捐交鏉撅紝鍒揣寮?as鈥 s鍍忊︿竴鏍?be/get used to doing sth涔犳儻浜?

deal with澶勭悊 even though鍗充娇 no longer涓嶅啀 calm down闀囬潤 get along with涓庘︾浉澶?fall asleep鐫$潃 such as渚嬪 think over浠旂粏鑰冭檻 find out鏌ユ槑 work out绠楀嚭锛岃в鍐?come up with鎯冲嚭 look forward to doing sth鐩兼湜鍋氭煇浜?

hear from鏀跺埌鈥︾殑鏉ヤ俊 as soon as涓。灏扁?in the daytime鍦ㄧ櫧澶?

out of sight鐪嬩笉瑙?can鈥檛 help doing蹇嶄笉浣?slow down鍑忛?

once again鍐嶄竴娆?get in touch with涓?. 鍙栧緱鑱旂郴 try one鈥檚 best灏芥渶澶у姫鍔?

hold on 绛変竴绛?for sale 寰呭敭锛屽嚭鍞?in order to 涓轰簡 come true瀹炵幇 cut up鍒囩 eat up鍚冨厜 drink to sb涓烘煇浜哄共鏉?

balanced diet鍧囪楗 in short鎬讳箣锛岀畝瑷涔?not only鈥 ut also涓嶄粎鈥﹁屼笖 so鈥?that濡傛鈥︿互鑷充簬 be made of鐢扁﹀埗鎴?

depend on鍙栧喅浜?as well as涔?catch one鈥檚 eye寮曡捣鏌愪汉鐨勬敞鎰?

easy-going闅忓拰鐨?carry out鎵ц either鈥 r鎴栬呪︽垨鑰?well-known鎬绘墍鍛ㄧ煡 as a result缁撴灉。


中考英语词组总结。with sb 赞成某人 agree to do sth 赞成去做某事。2 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样,一种 3 all over the world the whole world throughout the world 整个世界 4 alon...

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