
发布 2022-12-28 09:38:28 阅读 8069


(n.) 电—electric (a.) 电的;电动的—electrical (a.) 电的;与电有关的 —electronic (a.) 电子的。

an electric fan/ light电扇/ 电灯。

an electrical appliance 家用电器

an electronic calculator 电子计算器。

2. foolish (a.) 愚蠢的— stupid, silly

fool (n. &v.) 傻瓜,愚弄。

3. servant (n.) 仆人— service (n.) 服务— serve (n.) 服务。

4. monthly (adv.) 每月一次,在某种程度 ( once a month );

adj. 每月一次的。

month (n.) 月。


5. explanation (n.) 解释— explain (v.) 解释。

6. careful (a.) 仔细的— carefulness (n.) 仔细— careless (a.) 粗心的— carelessness (n.) 粗心—

care (n. &v.) 关心。

7. invisible (a.) 看不见的— visible (a.) 看得见的— vision (n.) 视觉— visual (a.) 视觉的。

8. connect (v.) 连接—join together

connection (n.) 连接。

9. politely (adv.) 礼貌地— polite (a.) 礼貌的— politeness (n.) 礼貌— impolite (a.) 没礼貌的。

10. beh**e (v.) 行为— beh**ior (n.) 行为。

11. contain vhold 包含;含有;

container n. 容器。

12. clear adj. clearly adv. 明显地。

13. in a way = partly

14. at last = in the end; finally

15. danger ndangerous adj.

16. 看注释写单词。

explanation---words that make something clear

wire --something that carries electricity

contain --h**e something inside

bill --a piece of ***** that shows how much you h**e to pay

burry --put … in the ground

connect = join together

electricy --power that comes through wires and can make heat and light, and move things

energy --power that makes things work

form --shapes or kinds

invisible --that cannot be seen

measure --finding the amount, size, weight, etc. of something)

meter --machine that tells you the amount used

monthly --once a month

trick --plays a joke or make fun of somebody

17. change…into… 把…改变成…

18. different kinds of energy不同种类的能量。

different forms of energy不同形式的能量。

19. heat energy 热能。

moving energy 动能。

light energy 光能。

sound energy 声能。

20. a dangerous servant 一个危险地仆人。

21. a packet of sweets 一袋糖果。

a packet of electricity

a packet of crisps 一袋薯片。

22. trick sb. 戏弄某人。

play tricks on sb. 戏弄某人。

23. look foolish 看上去愚蠢。

she will really look foolish.她一定会出洋相的。

24. flow through a wire 通过电线流淌。

25. in a way 在某种程度上。

26. be careful with 对…小心;小心对待。。。

be careful with + n

be careful ( that ) 句子。

be careful that you don’t fall.

27. think of 想到;考虑。

think about 考虑。

think of an example 想到(举)一个例子。

28. be connected to 被连接到…

what are they connected to?

29. power station 发电站。

30. look like 看上去像。。。

what … look like? 看起来怎样?

what does your teacher look like? -he is tall and handsome.

31. a meter measures the amount you use.电表测出你所用的电量。

32. and you get a bill for it monthly. 每个月你都会收到电费单。

33. it’s like water, in a way. 从某种程度上说,它就像水一样。

34. although electricity is much more dangerous than water, it is a good servant, but a dangerous one.虽然电比水危险的多,但是它是一个好的仆人,但也是危险的仆人。

35. but we can change it into different forms of energy that we can see, hear, or feel. 但是我们能把它转变成为看得见、听得到或者摸得着的能量的形式。

36. change vchangeable adj.

37. safe adjsafety n.

38. look foolish = look like a fool

39. get sb. sth. =get sth. for sb.

buy sb. sth. =buy sth. for sb.

give sb. sth. =give sth. to sb.

pass sb. sth. =pass sth. to sb.

40. on april fools’ day 在四月愚人节。

41. get a bill for …得到一张……的账单。

42. look foolish = look like a fool

41. get a bill for …得到一张……的账单。

42. look foolish = look like a fool

43 .vacuum n.〔美口〕吸尘器(= vacuum cleaner)。

v. .用吸尘器扫除。

. do some cacuuming 用吸尘器扫除。

44. do some ironing 做一些熨烫; 熨衣服

45. switch on / off

46. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。

47. stop sb. from doing sth. =prevent sb. from doing sth.


48. decide vdecision n.

decide to do th. 决定做某事。

49. be polite to sb. 对。。。有礼貌。

please be polite to our guests.


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八年级重要词组。h e a try 试一试。be sure 确信。would like to do sth want to do sth 想要做某事。be proud of take a pride in 以 为骄傲。be the pride of 是 的骄傲。what do does sb loo...

八年级 上 英语词组

module 1 1.尽量不要做某事 try not to do sth 2.努力 试图做某事 try to do sth 3.试着做某事 try doing sth 4.欢迎回来 welcome back 5.给你们一些建议 give you some advice 6.把它写下来 write i...