
发布 2022-12-26 11:33:28 阅读 7529

1、你介意把**调低吗?would you mind turning down the music2、你介意不穿这条旧牛仔裤吗?would you mind not wearing those old jeans?

3、一点也不 not at all.

4、打棒球 play baseball

5、立刻 (4个)at once/ right away/ right now/ in a minute

6、从浴室出来 get out of the bathroom

7、穿另一条牛仔 put on another pair of jeans

8、睡过头 sleep late

9、留张便条在门上 le**e a note on his door

10、在开会 at the meeting

11、照顾你的小表弟 baby sit your little cousin

12、在厨房 in the kitchen

13、学校开放日 on the school open day

14、做海报 make posters

15、没问题 no problem

16、理个糟糕的发型 give you a terrible haircut

17、店员 store clerk

18、给你错误的尺寸 give you the wrong size

19、带来错误的食物 bring you the wrong food

20、这支钢笔不工作了。the pen doesn’t work.

21、点汉堡薯条 order a hamburger with french fries

22、一个小一点的 a smaller one

23、给你 here you are

24、烦人的事情 annoying things

25、受不了做– can’t stand doing sth.

26、排队等 wait in line

27、煲**粥 h**e a long telephone conversation

28、到处跟着你 follow you everywhere

29、对---生气 get mad at/ be angry with/ get annoyed with sb./ get annoyed at sth.

30、尽力不做— try not to do—

31、挡在地铁门处 in the subway door

32、插队 cut in line

33、半小时前 half an hour ago

34、做—很激动 be excited to do---

35、踩---的脚 walk on --foot

36、主题句 topic sentence

37、降低你的声音 keep your voice down

38、说英语的国家 an english-speaking country

39、在一些亚洲国家 in some asian countries

40、在欧洲 in europe

41、感到不舒服 feel uncomfortable

42、即使 even if

43、在公众场合 in public/ in public places

44、当心不做---take care not to do---

45、打破规矩 break the rules of etiquette

46、插队到你前边 cut in front of you in a line

47、站到队里 join the line

48、掐灭香烟 put out the cigarette

49、乱扔纸片 drop litter

50、捡起---pick up

51、取决于 depend on

52、吐痰 spit-spat-spat-spitting

53、“砰”的一声关上 slam

54、当地的报纸 the local news*****



八年级重要词组。h e a try 试一试。be sure 确信。would like to do sth want to do sth 想要做某事。be proud of take a pride in 以 为骄傲。be the pride of 是 的骄傲。what do does sb loo...


topic3 sound terrible 听起来可怕。let make h e sb.do sth.使 让,叫 某人做某事 be sorry about 对 感到难过 过你的病。be afraid of doing sth be afraid to do sth.be afraid that 害怕...


unit1 the future.在将来。with sb.同意某人的意见。to do sth.同意做某事。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。5.piece of 一张纸。6.pieces of 两张纸。free 免费 8.8.live to be 200 years old 活到200岁 time 空余时间...