
发布 2022-12-24 16:36:28 阅读 8937

unit 1 重点知识。

1、短语。1. 感冒2. 胃疼3.躺下。

4. 量体温5. 发烧6. 休息(2)

7. 下车8. 使。惊讶的9.立刻;马上。

10. 陷入;参与11.习惯于做12. 冒险(2)

13. 用尽;耗尽14. 切除15. 从。出来。

16. 掌管17. 放弃做。


1. whatbe)the matter with you yeaterday?

2. he has astomach).he wants to see the doctor.\

3. the animals has fourfoot), they often go to the forest onfoot)

4. helie) in bed all day because he was ill.

5. the doctor tookhe) temperature.

6. hehurt)himsele badly in the accident last month.

7. to hissurprising), he passed the exam.

8. some people enjoyedthey) at the party.

9. there are 38passage) on the bus.

10. he has troublelearn) math.

11. he is used todo)morning exercise every day.

12. many people lost their lives in so manyaccident)

13. he needs another twoknife)

14. we should konw theimportant)of keeping health.

15. he made adecide) to learn english well.

16. although he wasdie), hisdie)was great.

we all remember the day when hedie).

17. dont give upexercise)


1. hetwo days ago.(感冒)

2. she often胃疼)

3. he is足够聪明)to work out the problem.

4. he always talks太多)because he alwanys has太多)excuses.

5. he躺下)and rested.

6. he needs照个x光)

7. the nurse comes into the waiting room and量那个男孩的体温)

8. he went on running after休息)

9. he看了牙医)yesterday.

10. he喝了加蜂蜜的热茶)

11. he needs to take breaks远离)the computer

12. dont sit for too long without休息一下)

13. he saw an old man躺在路的一边)

14. dont do it without认真思考)

15. everyone下车) the bus one by one quickly.

16. he expected most of the passengers等待)the next bus.

17多亏;由于)the teacher, i passed the exam.

18. the boy被救)by the police及时)

19据说) many people dont want to help others.

20. he only thought about救命)

21. they dont want任何麻烦)

22. dont look at me吃惊地)

23令他吃惊的是) he met her old friend.

24. he went out马上)when he heard the news.

25. dont和。产生矛盾)the police.

26. he用尽)his money yeaterday.

27. he was ready to切下)his arm.

28. dont give up掌管你的命运)

29. we often h**e a10分钟课间)between two classes.

30. do you know的重要性)keeping healthy

31. would you mind冒险)

32. aron keeps on爬山) today


deat tom,im sorry to hear that you often

i hope you will better soon!



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