八年级下册英语月考试题 一

发布 2022-12-21 17:48:28 阅读 9850






)1. how does mary usually go to school?

a. b. c

)2.what happened to lana

a. b. c

)3.what was peter doing when the ufo arrived?

a. b. c

)4.what did joe see on tv

a. b. c

)5.which picture are they talking about?

a. b. c




)6.how does mary look

a.she looks tired. b.she looks happy c.she looks unhappy.

)7.what’s the matter with mary

a.she doesn’t h**e enough money. b.her clothes are in style.

c.her clothes are out of style.


)8. what sport do they talk about?

a.the soccer game. b.the baseball game. c.the basketball game.

)9. where did they h**e a party after the game?

a. at school. b. at the park. c.at jim’s house.


)10.mary’s cousin is

a. older than mary. b. younger than mary. c.the same age as mary.

)11. how do they get on with each other?

a.they get on well. b.they get on badly. c.they always play .

)12. why couldn’t mary do her homework last week?

a.jane borrowed her math book and lost it.

b.jane borrowed her english book and didn’t return it.

c.jane borrowed her math book and didn’t return it.


)13.what was linda doing when d**y ran away? she was

a.talking on the phone b.calling the police c. buying a news*****

)14.why couldn’t linda see d**y anywhere? because

a.she was busy reading. b.the station was crowded station was big

)15.who asked her if she looked outside

a.a little boy. b.a policemanc.the people around her.


听下面一段独白。请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息, 填入下面的空格中。独白读两遍。



need threeknife) to cut up them.

decidedo) it by himself.

mother bought twokilo) apples yesterday.

h**e to put offgo) hiking because of the bad weather.

you know howcare) for the animals.

basketball together.

heh**e) a toothache? no, he doesn’t.

person has twofoot ).

itake ) my temperature?

10. beijing is a good placevisit) there.


) is not happy now, let’s

a. cheer up him b. cheer him up c. clean him up d. clean up him

)2. could you please __the dining room?

a. sweep c. swept sweep

) are many books on the floor, please

a. pick up it b. pick up them c. pick it up d. pick them up

)4. i’m thirsty, i’d like __a glass of water.

a. drink b. to drink c. drinking d. drank

)5. ask him __come to our party tomorrow.

a. not b. not to c. doesn’t

)6. i’m a league member. i volunteer my time __others.

a. help b. to help c. helping d. helped

)7. the teacher___the *****s and the test began.

a. g**e in b. g**e up c. g**e out away

)8. -would you mind taking __the trash?

i am busy cooking.

a. in c. to

)9.--could i use your dictionary

a. yes, you could certainly c. yes, of course you did.

)10. he isn’t used toenglish by himself. can you help him out?

a. learn c. learning

) shouldn’t give upmorning exercise, it’s good for us.

a. do c. did

) their money yesterday.


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