
发布 2022-12-21 04:01:28 阅读 5722

1)吴先生邀请我与他们班一起去世界公园玩。 school trip to the world park. 2)从基蒂的学校到世界公园差不多坐了2个小时的大巴。

the trip __kitty’s school__ the world park__ two hours3)它是金属制造的,真高啊。it is madeand really___4)基蒂和我也不再感到恶心了。kittyandidid___feelsick5)有来自世界各地100个景点的造型。

therearemodelsofplaces of __from6)基蒂的同学丹尼尔自学了制作主页。kitty’sclassmatedaniel___how___ahome page. 2、小试身手,你能写出下列句子的中文意思吗?

试试看吧!1) themodelpyramidslookedjustliketherealonesinegypt2)whenisawthem,icouldn’tbelievemyeyes3)heputhisphotosonitforeveryonetolookatabout三、课内**1、teach oneself how to make a home page.自学如何制作主页。

teach oneself todo sth= learn to do sth by oneself意思是:。

teach oneself sth = sth by oneself自学某事2、get on骑上(马等),登上(公共汽车火车等)。它的反意词组是;.但是上小汽车/出租车,应该说成:

getthe car/ the taxi下小汽车/出租车,应该说成:get of the car/the taxi 3、take表示“花费”时的常用结构有三种:sth takes sb some time某物花了某人多少时间请造句:.

it takes sb some time to do sth做某事花了某人多少时间请造句:. to dosth takes sb some time做某事花了某人多少时间请造句:. 4、be made of sth是什么意思呢?

请看例句:the desk is made of wood.翻译:.

be made from sth是什么意思呢?请看例句:wine is made from grapes.

翻译:.你知道了这两个词组意思和区别了吗?be madefrom sth意思是:

请造句:bemade ofsth意思是:请造句:

be made in someplace意思是:请造句:be made by sb意思是:

请造句:5、joinin=join表示参加。.指参加正在进行的竞赛、娱乐、谈话等活动(to be a member of)。。


四、达标检测本课内容你掌握了多少呢,试一试啊!1、单项选择1)the bottlesare a. made of 2)may i join a.

in singing 3)he is a tall man a. on 4)i invite her h**e 2、句型转换1)it took us about half an hour to get there by coach.(划线部分提问)it takeyou to get there by coach ?

2)this shirtismade of *****.(对划线部分提问)this shirt made of ? 3)john learned how to ride a bike by himself .

(改为同义句)john4)theyareh**ingagoodtimeinamerica .theyareinamerica, 5)thereis toomuchmovement of cars onthe cityroads, thereison the city roads. ride a bike.

glass. b. made into b.

.c. singing d.

made out d. sing the christmas carols?


英语八年级 下册 复习安排。第一课时 units1 2 补充点。一 一般将来时的定义,结构,时间状语和用法。二 重温more,fewer,less以及should,could提出建议的用法。三 再讲讲what do you think he will be 和there be 的一般将来时的用法。四...


八年级英语下 英语复习资料 一 2011年2月27日周日。unit 1 will be sth.there is are going to be sth.将有 free 空闲的 computer 在电脑上 to be 岁数活到 可数名词复数更少。不可数名词更少的 7.many much more 可...


姓名。2013 2014学年度第二学期八年级英语unit 3 学习。基础篇。一。词汇检测。根据句意填词。1.we can see a cat on the f 2.oh,tom s room is in a mhe d better clean it up.3.we should put the r...