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unit3 i’m more outgoing than my sister.


1.比赛,竞争competition 2. 极好的,了不起的fantastic 3.

哪一个,哪一些 which 4.有才能的,有才干的talented 5.镜子mirror 6.

应该,应当 should 7.伸手,到达reach 8.手hand 9.

感动,触摸touch 10.内心,心脏heart 11.笑,发笑laugh 12.

信息,消息information 13.分享,共享share 14.手臂,上肢arm 15.

更好的 better 16.轻声地,安静地quietly 17.赢,获胜 win 18.

破,损坏break 19.必需的,必要的 necessary 20. 两个都both 21.

虽然,尽管though 22. 严肃的,稳重的serious 23.工作努力的,辛勤的hard-working 24.

外向的outgoing 25.清晰的,清楚的clear 26.响亮的,大声的 loud

重点短语。1. 只要,既然as long as

2. 与……不同be different from

3. 和…..相同 be the same as

4. 关心,在意care about

5. 事实上,实际上in fact

6. 与她相似be similar to her

7. 小学primary school

8. 唱得响亮sing loudly

9. 歌唱比赛the singing competition

10. 留长直发的那个女孩the girl with long straight hair

11. 让他们笑make them laugh

12. 和我做同样的事do the same thing as me

13. 交朋友make friends

14. 激发某人所能bring out the best in sb.

15. 谈论一切talk about everything

16. 取得好成绩get good grades

17. 跳得高jump high

经典句型。1. 你跟你姐姐一样吗?

不,她比我风趣得多。are you as funny as your sister? no, i’m much funnier than her.

2. tom和sam在学校里谁更勤奋一些呢?

who is more hard-working at school, tom or sam?

tom学习比sam 更努力一点儿。

tom works a little harder than sam.

3. 我比mike 更擅长运动。i’m better at sports than mike.

4. 我现在唱歌比两年前更。

i sing better now than i did two years ago.

5. lily 的头发比我长。

lily’s hair is longer than mine.

lily has longer hair than me.

6. 他们俩都喜欢参加聚会。both of them enjoy going to parties.

7. 我不如我最好的朋友受欢迎。

i am less popular than my best friends.

i am not as/so popular as my best friend.

8. 你必须对孩子们好。you must be good with children.

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit3 讲义 含答案

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