八年级5 6词组

发布 2022-12-17 16:33:28 阅读 3045



1.—can you come to my party? 你能参加我的聚会吗(= would you like to come to my party? )

—sure, i’d love to. /certainly? of course, i’d like to. 当然,我很愿意。

—i’m sorry. but i can’t. i h**e to help my mother. 很抱歉。我不能,我得帮我妈做事。

2.can /could she go to the moviesno, she can’t. she’s playing soccer.

3.can /could he go to the baseball game? no. he can’t . he has to study./yes, he can

4.that’s too bad. maybe another time. 那太糟糕了,也许下一次吧。

5.i h**e too much homework this weekend. 我这个周末有太多的家庭作业。

6.thank you for your invitation. 谢谢你的邀请。thanks for inviting me.

7.i’m sorry i can’t visit you this week. 很遗憾本周不能去拜访你。

8.on wednesday, i h**e tennis training with the school team.周三我要和校队进行网球训练。

9.i h**e to study for my chemistry test on thursday. 在星期四我得为化学考试做准备。

10.on friday, i h**e to be on vacation with my parents. 星期五我得和父母去度假。

11.my american friend is going to visit me next vacation.


12.i can’t join you because i h**e to help my mom on weekdays.


13.please keep quiet! i’m trying to study. 请安静!我正努力学习。

14.can you come over to my house wednesday evening to discuss the science report?


15.i’m free till / until 10:00 pm. 我一直到晚上10点都有空。

16. 其他表示或提建仪的表达法: 比如,你邀请朋友周末购物,可以用下面任一句表达。

shall we go shopping this weekend?

let’s go shopping this weekend.

why not go shopping with me this weekend.

how/what about going shopping together this weekend?

do you want/would you like to go shopping with me this weekend?

词语解析 1. another a.& pron. 再一,另一,别的;另一个。

would you like another cup of tea? he has got another pen.

we can do it another time. (下一次) i don’t like this shirt. please give me another.

2. match n. a football match

v. 使相配,使成对 the color matches you well .这颜色与你很相称。

3. until & till conj. &prep. 直到;直到……为止 (意思相同,但句首一般不用till )

she waited till / until he finished writing the letter. 她等到他写完信为止。

i lived in that city until / till i was ten . 我在那城市一直住到十岁。

he stayed up until/ till twelve o’clock.. 他熬夜直到12点。

not …till/ until 直到……才不到……(不)

don’t go away until i come back. 我回来前不要离开。

they didn’t stop working until it began to rain he**ily. 直到下大雨他们才停止工作。

until you told me i knew nothing about it. 在你告诉我之前, 我对此一无所知。

4 . join & take part in.

join 参加,加入(并成为期中的一员)

join the party 入党 join the league 入团 join a sports club. 加入体育俱乐部。

will you join us in singing? 你和我们一起唱歌好吗?

join 连接;会合

the bridge joined the two small islands. 这座桥把两座小岛连起来了。

take part in 参加(某项活动) =join in

take an active part in the sports meeting. join in a party/ a game句子。


1.at least 最少 at most 最多。2.in ancient times 在古代。3.in many different ways用很多不同的方法。4.count v.数 counted,counted,counting countable adj.可数的 uncountable ad...


牛津版八年级英语上unit 1 3词组归纳。1.something to drink eat 一些吃喝的 吃的。2.some more food 再来一些食物。3.nothing else 没有别的东西。4.share sth.with sb.和某人分享。5.invite sb.to do 邀请某人...


1.去看电影。2.去踩滑板。3.一周三次。4.一年两次。5.在周末。6.看电视。7.上网。8.每天。9.多久一次。10.大多数学生。11.对 有好处。12.吃垃圾食品。13.一个健康的生活方式。14.有点儿不健康。15.得到好成绩。16.一个健康的习惯。17.和 一样。18.试图做某事。19.每天锻...