
发布 2022-12-10 23:49:28 阅读 4124

section a

1. how does the story begin? 故事是怎么发生的?

解析】begin → began → begun v 开始。

beginning n 开始 at the beginning of 在……开始。

拓展】begin to do sth/ doing sth 开始做某事。

li yundibegin) to play the piano at the age of 4.

2. a man told yu gong that he could never do it.


解析1】tell sb. that 告诉某人。





say+ 说话内容。

say to sb.

it is said that...据说”。

it is said that he could stay under the water for a long time.


speak vt,“说”“讲”,其宾语常是某种语言。speakfrench说法语;

speak+ 语言。

speak to sb. may i speak to tom?

talk“讲、谈论,谈话”是不及物动词,talk to/ with sb. about sth.

1)talk about/of 谈论……

2)talk to / with 和…交谈。

give a talk做报告 (talk n.报告) h**e a talk听报告。




tell the truth 说真话 tell a lie说谎

tell the time “报时“ tellastory讲故事。

tell me a story

tell : 辨别,说出区别 tell a from b

tell the differences between a and b

重庆3】— the radio __that there will be another he**y rain in guangdong.

too bad. it has rained for the whole week.

a. tells b. talks c. says d. speaks

2013广东】i always tell my students __on the road because it’s really dangerous.

a. not to play b. to play not c. not playing d. not play

2013广西贺州】our teacher often tells us __in the river. it’s dangerous.

a. don’t swim b. not swim c. not to swim d. not swimming

2013山东临沂】my parents often tell me___too much junk food because it’s bad for my health.

a. not eating b. not to eatc. eatingd. to eat

2013湖北随州】 —what did your teacher say this morning?

she told us __make faces in class.

a. to not b. not toc. do not d. didn't

解析2】never 从不;绝不。

2011四川乐山1】 –do you often go fishing with your father?

noi don’t like fishing at all.

a. neverb. alwaysc. usually

2011山东滨州2】 –do you often go to the gym?

noi don’t like sports at all.

a. alwaysb. never c. sometimes d. usually

2012山东济南3】—h**e you ever been to disneyland?

no, _i hope i can go there next year.

a. always b. sometimes c. never d. often

2013阜康4】western people __use mr. or mars before their given names.

a. always b. oftenc. sometimes d. never

3. a man saw yu gong and his (children/family) when they were working on moving the mountains.

一个人看到愚公和他的(孩子们/ 家人)的时候,他们正在努力地移山。

解析】work on 忙于; 从事。

2011湖南邵阳】— could i borrow your computer, bob?

sorry, i am __it.

a. taking out b. turning on c. working on

拓展】work 短语总结:

) the builders are working __building a great building although it’s so hot today.

a. on b. to c. as d. out

4. as soon as the man finished ( taking/speaking) ,yu gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.

这个人一(说) 完, 愚公就说他死后,他的子子孙孙还可以继续移山。

解析1】as soon as 一……就……


2013重庆4】i’ll go to visit my aunt in england __the summer holidays start.

a.whileb.sincec. untild. as soon as

2013黑龙江2】 boys and girls, calm down and focus on the test *****

you begin to think about the answers. be confident. you can do it!

a. as ifb. as soon asc. although

解析2】 continue doing sth =go on doing sth 继续做某事(前后做同一件事)

continue to do sth = go on to do sth 继续做某事(前后不是同一件事)

let’s continueread) the text.

many students hope to continuestudy) after __finish) school.

)③the two teams continued __the game after half an hour.

a. play b. to play c. playing d. played

5. finally , a god was so moved by yu gong that he sent (two/three) gods to take the mountains away.


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