
发布 2022-12-10 23:25:28 阅读 2053

unit11 could you please clean your room?


a ride 搭次便车 give sb a ride 让某人搭次便车。

to do 讨厌做某事(具体的一次)

hate doing 讨厌做某事(一贯不喜欢做的事)

to do 喜欢做某事(具体的爱好) like doing喜欢做某事(一贯的爱好)

sb to do sth 邀请某人去做某事 keep sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事。

sth from sb 向某人借某物 keep 表示借多久。

sth to sb=lend sb sth 借某物给某人 give /show /send

sth for sb=buy sb sth 为某人买某物 make

the dishes = wash the bowls and plates 洗餐具

do chores =do housework 做家务。

out the trash= take the trash out 把垃圾拿出去 fold your clothes 叠衣服。

the floor=clean the floor 扫地 make your bed 整理你的床铺。

the laundry=wash the clothes= do some washing 洗衣服 outside 在外面 care of…=look after…照顾… over to… 来访… to clean my room 忘记打扫我的房间。

seeing you somewhere 忘记在哪见过你。

the dishes the living room out late

the dog ..for a walk to do sth.

some drinks and snacks on the computer在电脑上工作。


you please take out the trash? yes, sure.

2. could you please sweep the floor? yes, sure.

3. could you please do the dishes? sorry, i can’t. i h**e to do my homework.

4. could i use the car? no, you can’t. i h**e to go out.

5. i h**e to do chores.

6. i hate some chores, but i like other chores.

7. do you like to do the laundry? no, i don’t. it’s boring.

8. do you like to make your bed?

9. i like to make breakfast, because i like to cook.

10. i like cleaning the bike because i can be outside.

11. could you buy some drinks and snacks?= could you mind buying some drinks and snacks?

12. could i invite my friends to a party?

13. thanks for taking care of my dog.

14. take him for a walk. give him water and feed him. wash his bowl.

15. don’t forget to clean his bed.

16. i need some help. when you come over on saturday, could you please sweep the floor?

going to work on my english project and then meet my friends.

unit12 what’s the best radio station?


/take a seat = sit down 坐下 to.. 与…近。

about=think of 认为 a survey of ..做一个调查。

success in (doing) sth=succeed in (doing) sth 在(做)某事方面取得成功和。

most comfortable seats 最舒适的座位 fries 炸薯条

music=with no music 没有** screens 大屏幕。

a fun part of town 在城里的娱乐地带 seats 舒适的座位。

service 友好的服务 store 服装店。

station 广播电台 show 才艺表演。

great success 巨大的成功 china中国北/南方


has the biggest screens.

the most popular. 3. it’s the closest to home.

4. it’s the cheapest. it’s the most espensive.

5. it has the friendliest service.

6. it has the most comfortable seats. 7. it has the best quality clothing.

8 .it’s worse than all talk 970am. it has the worst music.

do young people think about places in town? we did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.

10. as for radio stations, most people think that jazz 107.9 fm is really great.

it plays the most interesting music.

11. last week’s talent show was a great success.

12. she won the prize for the quietest performer. she played a beautiful piano piece.

13. they sang a cute song together. 14. he danced without music.

15. i think he is the funniest actor.

16. sanya is in hainan province in southern china. harbin is in northern china.

17. the price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.

they usually cut their prices in winter. about 200 yuan a night is enough.

s has the best quality clothing.

radio station plays the most interesting music.


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