
发布 2022-12-06 23:31:28 阅读 5586



一. 找出下列每组词中不同类的单词。20’

)1. a. schoolbag b. three c. pencil

)2. a. ruler b. pencil case c. red

)3. a. blackboard b. brown c. white

)4. a. inb. under c. stand

)5. a. carb. window c. door

)6. a. what b. where c. that

)7. a. orange b. chairc. desk

)8. a. close b. drink c. milk

)9. a. sam b. cakec. bobby

)10. a. yesb. noc. run

二. 情景匹配。10’

) morning, mr. green. a. he’s behind the door.

) you like a sweetb. no, thank you.

) to meet youc. how beautiful!

) bobbyd. good morning, class.

) at the birde. nice to meet you, too.

三. 找出正确的翻译,并把序号填在括号里。10’

) this your fathera. 你想要一块橡皮吗?

) is your schoolbagb. 这是你的爸爸吗?

) at my pencilc. 那是你的书包。

) open your booksd. 看我的铅笔。

) you like a rubbere. 请打开你们的书。

四. 根据提示完成对话。10’

1. a: excuse me. is this your小尺)

b: yes, it is.

a: is that your钢笔)

b: no, it isn’t.

2. don’t跑)

3. that’s你的)english书).

五. 写出下列词组的汉语意思。10’

1. your crayon2. in the tree

3. come talk

5. stand the door

7. here you friend

9. over the door

六. 选择填空。20’

)1.--what’s that?

a chair.

a. it’s ab. this isc. that is

) ispencil case. that isenglish book.

a. a;ab. a;anc. an;a

) the bird isthe tree now.

a. onb. atc. in

)4. -what’s this?

a. a parrotsb. an bird

) ruler. your ruler is over there.

a. notb. isc. isn’t

)6. -don’t eat here.

a. i’m sorryb. thank you c. yes, please.

) hai is not here. where’s

a. heb. itc. she

) car is

a. behind treeb. behind the tree c. the tree behind

)9. -please open the window.

a. yes, mr greenb. thank youc. yes, it is .

) listen to

a. the doorb. the blackboard c. the parrot



a. good morning , yang lingb. good afternoon, yang ling.


a. look at my new skirtb. how nice!


a. don’t talk hereb. don’t sleep here.


a. what colour is itb. what’s this?


a. the cake is on the deskb. the cake is in the desk.


1. it’s nice2. thank you.

3. what’s that, tom. 4. hi, mike. come in, please.

5. it’s a robot6. hi, tom.

1. is that your rubber?

2. this isn’t my rubber.

3. oh, yes, it is. thank you.

4. is this your rubber?

5. no, it isn’t.

配江苏译林新版2019译林版学英语三年级 上册 练习二

小学英语三年级 上册 练习二。班级姓名 一 写出所给字母相应的大写或小写。1.y2.b3.m4.i 二 按要求写单词。1.she 对应词2.are 单数。3.i am 缩写形式4.he is 缩写形式。5.friends 单数6.father 对应词。7.brother 对应词8.yes 对应词。三...


3.你想要吃一颗糖吗不要在这里吃东西。8.这是一把尺子吗?是的,它是。9.那是一块橡皮吗?不,它不是。10 这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是。11.那是你的书包吗?不,它不是。12.它是什么13.这是给你的。14.这不是我的铅笔袋15.那不是我的午餐盒。16.它在那里。17.鸟在 它在树上。在 他在门后面...


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