
发布 2022-11-29 19:12:28 阅读 1990


选择题。) 1. welcomethe forb. toc, at() 2oranges.

a. this isb. are thesec. these are() 3. look at these

a. cowb. picturec.

pictures() 4is this?--she’s my whob. whatc.

where() 5. -what’s this

a. they’re it’s an it’s red.()6. pleasethe apple.

a. drinkb. closec. eat() 7. please look __this atb. inc. to() 8drink my milk.

a. don’tb. notc.

don’t() 9. would you likeapples?a.

ab. anc. two() 10.

this isbook.

a. youb. myc.

he’s() 11. what’s___over there?a.

thisb. thosec. that() 12is my pencil case?

a. where’sb. wherec.

what() 13. the orangeson the isb. amc.

are() 14. the bird isthe tree onb. inc.

for() 15. it’s timeeat the forb. toc.

out() 16a nice bag!

a. howb. whatc. where() 17. don’tlate again.

a. isb. arec. be() 18. it’s time for

a. eatb. classc. drink


) 19. this is my sisteris heb. shec. they() 20. we’re __

a. brotherb. sisterc. twins() 21. that __is my aunt.

a. manb. womanc. girl() 22. don’t talk. i want __tob. atc. for

) 23. -don’t drink here.--i’ma. nineb. sorryc. late

) 24is it?--it’s nine o’ what timeb. how oldc.

what() 25. -is thisuncle?--yes, he youb.

hec. your

) 26. -what are these?--they’rea. pigb. cowc. ducks() 27are you?--i’m nine.

a. how oldb. what timec. who

) 28. -wherethe birds?--they’re in the isb. arec. am

) 29is that boy?--he’s my whereb. whoc. what() 30a nice cake!

a. whereb. whatc. how() 31. it’s time for

a. bedb. sleepc. eat

) 32are her friends? -they’re in the whob. whatc. where() 33is that boy? -he’s nine.

a. how oldb. what timec. who() 34. -are theseyes, they duckb. a cowc. pigs

) 35.--what areover there?--they’re thisb.

thosec. that() 36. -here __are .

-thank myb. youc. your() 37.

this is my brotheris heb. shec. they


) 38your bag.

a. here’sb. herec. it

) 39liu tao. it’s time for wakeb. wake upc.

goodbye() 40. -what arethey’re thisb. thesec.

that() 41. -what’s this?--it’sa.

a appleb. an applec apple

) 42is it?--it’s two

time ; clockb. what ; o’ time; o’clock.

) 43that boy?--he’s liu whob. who’sc. what’s() 44. this is

a. meb. ic. my

) 45.当你想让某人不要坐下时,你说:

a . sit down, don’t sit open the book, please.()46.当你想知道远处的妇女是谁时,你说:

that woman?b. who’s that man?c. who’s that girl?()47.当你想告诉别人该上课了,你说:

a. it’s time for it’s time to it’s time for class.()48.当你想知道某人的年龄时,你可以说:

a. how old are you?b. how are you?c. who are you?

) 49.当你想知道这是不是你的书包时,你说:

this your schoolbag?b. is this my schoolbag? it in my schoolbag?

) 50.当你要告诉别人那不是你的铅笔袋时,你说:

isn’t my pencil that is my pencil this isn’t my pencil case.

) 51.当你要将某物给某人时,你说:

is a here you thank you.

) 52.当天气很热时,你对窗户边的同学说:

a. close the door, don’t open the open the window, please.

) 53.当朋友不知道这些是什么时,你告诉他:

a. what are these?b. they’re what are those?


) 54.迈克请你不要关窗户,你应该说:

a. please close the don’t close the all right.

) 55.你做错了事情,你应该说:

a. i’m thank you!c. goodbye!

) 56.刘涛在图书馆里睡觉,你应该说:

a. don’t run, liu don’t sleep, liu tao。c. don’t talk, liu tao。

) 57.问对方想不想要一个苹果,你可以说:

you like an apple?b. this apple is for where’s my apple?

) 58.不想要对方建议的东西,你应该说:

a. no, thank it isn’t a nice crayon.

) 59.你想知道这是不是海伦的椅子,你可以说:

a. helen, this is my helen, is this your chair?

c. helen, where’s my chair?

) 60.告诉说别人快要迟到了,你应该说:

a. hurry up! it’s how lovely!c. it’s time to meet.()61.祝对方生日快乐,你应该说:

a. happy birthday!b. how lovely!c. make a wish.

) 62.早饭准备好了,妈妈会说:

a. dinner is breakfast is lunch is ready.

) 63.你想知道远处的那些是什么,你可以说:

a. what are these?b. what’s that?c. what are those?()64.你想知道树上长的是不是苹果,可以说:

a. are they apples?b. are those pears?c. what are these?


a. is this your grandfather?b.

yes, he is .c. no, she isn’t.


a. is she a girl?b. who are the girl?c. who’s this girl?


) 67.向别人介绍你的叔叔:应该说:

a. this is my this is my brother.

c. this is my uncle.

) 68.当你不确定这个人是不是对方的爸爸时,你会说:

is your father. this your father?c. he’s your father.()69.当你想知道“她是谁”时,你说:

a. is this she?

精品文档。b. where is she ?c. who is she?


单元 植物的生长变化 选择题 种子萌发需要的条件是 阳光 土壤 肥料 温度 水分 空气 温度。植物的枝 叶 花等能伸展到一定的空间,是因为茎有。支撑作用 固定作用 运输作用。我们熟悉的绿色开花植物几乎都是从开始它们新的生命的。a.根b.茎c.叶d.种子。可以制造植物生长所需要的养料的是植物的。a.根...


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