
发布 2022-11-29 16:02:28 阅读 4759




1. r d e

2. e g r e n

3. u p l r p e

4. b e l u

5. n g o r a e

6. b w n r o

7. c b l a k

8. i w t h e

9. w l o y e l


1. colour, the, let’s , yellow, hair

2. a, h**e , purple, i , hat

3. bear, daniel’s, brown, is, the

4. like, what, do , you, colour


a. what is that?

b. is it a robot?

c. where is the robot?

d. what colour is the robot?

e. is it ben’s robot?

f. may i use your robot?

五.读对话, 用所给的单词填空。

-- what is this?

--it’s aof a room.

--this room is nice. let’sit.

--goodwhat colour do you

)1no, it isn’t. it’s a doll.

)2no, it’s jack’s

)3es, here you are.

)4t’s a purple.

)5t’s a robot.

)6it’s on the table, near the toy boat

-i like purple. let’s colour the walls(墙) .

--great, let’s colore the bed green.

--ilike green. let’s colour it yellow

--ok. this chair is funny. let’s colourit white.

--that’s good.

广州版最新版英语三年级2024年复习题 (2)


1. i h**etoy cars.

2. i h**etoy planes.

3. i h**epencils.

4. i h**eenglish books.

5. i h**epicture of my family.

6. i h**efriends.


1. gate ( kite

2. sit ( site( )

3. look( )book( )

4. net( )let( )

5. get( )jet( )

6. fat( )fate( )


-- i am ten.

a. how are you old? b. how are you?

old are you?

2 ( happy birthday!

a. i am eight birthday!

c. thank you.

3( )the toy car is for you.

a. it isn’t my toy car. b. thank you.

4is your teacher?

--she’s in room 312.

a. where b. how c. what

5( )happy birthday, janet. the toy rabbit isyou.

--thank you.

a. near b. beside b. for

6( )sally’s eyesblue.

a. do b. is c. are

7this face. it’s funny!

a. look b. look in b. look at


mary --happy birthday, d**id.

d**idyou , mary.

mary --the crayons areyou.

d**id --thank you.

mary --howare you, d**id.

d**id --i am seven. what about you ?

mary --i amtoo.

d**id --is this a pictureyour family, d**id?

mary --yes, this is my father and this is my mother.

d**idthis pretty lady?

mary --she’s my aunt, my mother’s sister.

d**id --itwo aunt’s and four uncles.

mary --i h**e three aunts and three uncles.


a. how are you?

b. how old are you?

c. do you h**e a telephone?

d. may i use your telephone number?

e. happy birthday.

)yes, here you are.

)i am fine.

)thank you

) i am fine. thank you.

) yes, i do.



1. one pen---three

2. one orange---two

3. one pear---five

4. one boy---seven

5. one cat---sit

6. one desk---two

7. one book---some

8. one ball---some

9. one bus---four

one robot---two

二.判断对话后的句子内容是否正确,如正确的,请打t, 错的打f。

tom---hi,mary. do you h**e jack’s telephone number?

mary.--no, i don’t. i h**e his sister sherry’s number.

tom --ok, what is it?

mary.--it’s in my telephone book. but where is my telephone book?

tom --is it in your bag?

mary.--no, it’s not. oh, here it is, under my english book.

tom --what is the number?

mary.--sherry’s phone number is eight four three two five six three.

tom --thank you.

1. (mary has(有) jack’s telephone number. x| k |b | 1 . c|o |m

2. (sherry is jack’s sister.


2012 2013学年度第一学期。三年级英语达标考试。一 按听到的顺序给下面的 编号。8分 二 听句子,给句子写上大写字母编号。12分 i m benlet s be friends.how are youwash your face.good afternoontouch your nose.三 ...

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