
发布 2022-11-26 04:45:28 阅读 4107

unit 17 how many squares are there? 教学设计。


一、概述。本节课的教学内容是广州版小学英语三年级上册unit 17 how many squares are there? 的第一课时。

学生在unit 16的学习中已经掌握了一些有关形状的单词和句型:“what shape is this ?”what shapes are these ?

”what are they? ”are they …?yes , they are .

/no , they aren’t . 本节课的教学内容是以教材提供的主题句型“how many … are there ?”there is /are …”为起点,通过师生对话,看图俩俩说话,听、读故事等活动,使学生能够就形状、物品数量等进行英语交际。



2、根据教学主题的需要和交际的需要,用ppt方式提供**和关键词句,培养学生在key points辅助下进行口语表达的能力;




1、 辅助言语交际的材料:pictures,powerpoint 。

2、听的资源:song: ten little indian boys, rhythm 3: five little monkeys,reading3 : fruit.





talk with ss (t指teacher, ss指students。下同)

t: what is this? what shape is this ? is this a …?

what are they ? what shape are these? are they …?

2. ss practice the conversation in pairs.

3. sing a song: ten little indian boys.

二) presentation and practice

1. presentation of the words about numbers (from one to ten).

2. presentation of the new sentences drills.

t asks ss questions to present the new drills.

1) t: look, what shapes are these?

ss: they are squares/********s / rectangles.

t: how many squares/ ********s / rectangles are there?

ss : t: yes, there are ….very good. let’s count together.

2) pair work .

3) t: what is this?

ss: it’s a hand.

t: yes, it’s a hand. now, children. show me your hands. what are these ?

ss: they’re fingers.

t: how many fingers are there?

ss: ten.

t: no, children. 你们有没有发现哪两个手指头是最特别的? 你们最喜欢老师对你们伸出哪个手指头呢? (顺势教thumb )

t: how many fingers are there?

ss: eight fingers and two thumbs .

t: very good.

3. present the dialogue by ppt.

1) look and listen to the dialogue.

2) listen and repeat.

三) extensive listening and reading

1、rhythm 2, 3.

2、reading 1,2,3

四)extensive talking

ss talk about the picture in pairs.


六)homework assignment

1. copy the new words.

2. read the dialogue and learn it by heart.


学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考。广州版三年级英语上册期末复习汇总。词汇。1.名词有单复数形式 1 一般情况直接加s book bookspen penspencil pencils eye eyes 2 以sshchx结尾的单词,在单词后加es bus busesbox boxes 3 辅音字母 y结...


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