
发布 2022-11-29 15:36:28 阅读 6572


) 1.你想知道对方年龄时,你会问:

a. how are you?b. how old areyou?

) 2.当你向妈妈表示自己想喝果汁时。你会问:

a. h**e some juice, can ih**e some juice?

) 3.当你想告诉别人你的名字叫萨拉,你应该说:

a. what’s your name?b. my nameis sarah.

) 4.你的同学mike到你家玩,你向爸爸介绍他时,你会说:

a. this is he is mike.()5. mike想喝水。你拿给他时说:

a. can i h**e some water?b. hereyou are.

) 6.妈妈生日时,你应该这样说:

a. happy happy newyear.

) 7.别人向你表示感谢,你会说:

a. you are a good you arewelcome.

) 8.当你过生日时,接受了别人的礼物后应该说:

a. thank happy birthday!()9.你想让同桌把**上的书包涂成绿色,应说:

a. colour the bag colourthe bag black.

) 10.你约同学一起去上学,你可以说:

a. let’s go to let’s play.()11. -goodbye, miss white.

a. this is miss good

bye) 12. -what’s your name

--_a. i’m i’ hello, zoom!()13. -colour it yellow!

a. ok!b. me i seeyellow.

)1 4. -can i h**e some rice, please?

a. very well, hereyou you’re welcome.()15

--it’s a bird.

a. look at the cool! ilike what’s that?()16. it’s __elephant.

a. ab. anc. /17. look __the duck.

a. tob. atc. on() 18. let’s __to school, mike!

a. makeb. seec. go() 19. this is __green.

a. missb. mrc. miss() 20. touch __face, please.

a. youb. yourc. i() 21. -nice to meet you.

--nice to meet you, _

a. tob. twoc. too() some fish, please.

a. likeb. guessc. open() 23. _that?

a. what’s() 24. -how __books?

someb. manyc. are() 25

--i’m fine, thank how are you? are you?c. very well, thanks.


a. he is how old are you? ten years old.


a. i like i like orange.()28.你想让对方猜猜那是什么,你会说:

a. yes.

) 29.你想喝点水,你会说:

a. can i h**e some milk? some water?

c. can i h**e some rice?


a. that one, this cake, thanks.


a. good goodbye.

) 32.递给别人东西时,你会说:

a. thank are.

) 33.你想知道对方的年龄时,你会问:

a. how old are you? how many?

) 34. ann向新朋友介绍自己时,应该说:

a. look at hello!i’m ann.


祝贺说:a. happy birthday! nice to meet you.

) 36.你在餐馆想要些果汁,你应该说:a. drink some

) 37.当你告诉别人你有一只鸭子时,说:

a. i h**e a i am a duck.()38. -how many pigs?

--_a. hi!b. h**e some eggs.

) 39. -happy birthday!

--_a. thank you! ok!

) 40. -can i h**e some bread?

a. sure. here you three.

) 41. -how old are you?

a. you’re i’m fine, thank you!()42. -i’m hungry!

--_a. h**e some some juice.

) 43.当问别人岁数时,应该说:

a. how are you? are you?c. very well, thanks.

) 44.当别人对你说“how are you? ”时,你应说:

a. how are you? very well, thanks.


a. this is miss is my dad.

) 46.当别人向你说“thank you!”时,你应说:

a. nice to meet you!

you’re welcome.()47.你想请别人喝水时,你应该说:

a. h**e some sure.

) 48. -i h**e a black and white dog.

a. oh, no!b. me too!

dog.) 49. -good afternoon, tom.

a. hello,

i’m john.

) 50. -happy birthday!

a. happy birthday!

c. thank you.

) 51. -i’d like some eggs, please.

a. ok. here you

eat some eggs.

) 52. -how are you

a. well, thanks.

) 53. i ab. anc. two()


a. h**eb. likec. meet() 55. actan tob. inc. like() 56like some i amb. i’h**e

--it’s a what’s this?

this?c. what that?

) 58.下午好。a. good

) 59.这是李小姐。a. that is miss

is miss it’s miss li.

) 60.切蛋糕。a. cut the water.

c. eat some fish.()61.不用谢。a. thank

c. you’re welcome.()62.让我们去学校吧!a. let’s go to school!make a

b. drink


1 当你想用英语向别人打招呼时,应说 hello hi 2 早上,你在校园里碰见了miss white,你对她说 good morning 3 下午,你见到好朋友问好要说 good afternoon 4 当你和朋友道别时,应说 goodbye bye see you 5 当你想知道对方叫什么名字时...


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