
发布 2022-11-27 14:15:28 阅读 1119



词汇b: 考试说明中非*词汇,且教材**现的词汇。

词汇c: 考试说明中没有,但教材**现的词汇、词组。


unit 1 don’t walk!

话题:禁止与警告 ( prohibition and warning )

功能结构:提醒注意、劝告 ( reminding and warning )

一、 词汇。

a. 听、说、会拼写(7)

left, right, again, worry, cry, food, thank you,b.听、说、能认读(6)

touch, litter, money, move, smoking, camera,c.听、说(3)

don’t, parking, very good,d.语音词汇(7)

apple, bag, cat, name, snake, cage, gate

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二、 句子听、说、能认读 (2)

don’t touch / walk / litter /

no parking / food / smoking / cameras /

unit 2 how much?

话题:购物 ( paying )

功能结构:** ( price )

一、 词汇。

a. 听、说、会拼写(3)

toy, train, the,


robot, change, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty,c.听、说(4)

altogether, stop thief! ,well done! how much,d.语音词汇(7)

elephant, pen, peach, bee, tree, beans, keys

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二、 句子听、说、能认读 (4)

how much is / are …?

it’s / they’re … yuan.

here is the money / change /

unit 3 whose cds?



一、 词汇。

a. 听、说、会拼写(4)

study, whose, table, computer,b.听、说、能认读(6)

cd, video, sorry, radio, keyboard, mouse


television, walkman, cassette, diskman


insect, fish, six, ice cream, crocodile, kite, nine, write, five

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二、 句子听、说、能认读 (2)

whose … is / are this / these?

it’s / they’re …’s.

unit 4 dinner time

话题:周围的环境 ( rooms in homes )


一、 词汇。

a. 听、说、会拼写(12)

door, here, kitchen, welcome, river, sleeping, washing, studying, playing, eating, drinking, cooking


bedroom, bathroom, into, painting,c.听、说(2 )

knock, living room,d.语音词汇(7)

dog, sock, frog, lock, coat, boat, goat

u ] 二、 句子听、说、能认读 (2)

what is / are … doing?

he / she / they is / are …ing.

unit 5 our school

话题:学校生活 ( school buildings and subjects )


一、 词汇。

a. 听、说、会拼写(10)

school, great, english, music, art, chinese, pe, playground, their, our,b.听、说、能认读(2)

classroom, office,c.听、说(2)

teachers’ day, math


umbrella, nut, mug, butterfly, puppet, flute, blue, june

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二、 句子听、说、能认读 (3)

are these / those our / your / their …?

yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

unit6 review

a. 听、说、会拼写(3)

party, parents, open

b. 听、说、会拼写(2)

gift; christmas,c.听、说(1)

merry christmas!


x-ray, watermelon, watch, zebra, yo-yo, w ] j ]

话题:节假日活动 ( cultural festivals )

功能:祝愿 ( expressing wishes )

单词分类:数字(number),房间(room),学科(subject),动作(action),用品(daily supplies),节日(festival)


北师大英语 三年级上册。unit1don t left左边。right右边。again再,又。litter乱扔。very good 很好。thank you 谢谢。touch触 摸。move移动。money钱。worry担心。cry哭。parking 停车。food食物。smoking 吸烟。cam...

北师大英语 三年级上册 教材编写

北师大 版 英语 三年级上册 教材编写说明。英语 1 6年级 教材编写组。整体介绍。chen 大家好!这套 英语 教材是由北京师范大学出版社和美国麦格劳 希尔教育出版公司合作出版的。中方主编是北京师范大学外语学院的教授王蔷。她是国家英语课程标准组的负责人。目前这套教材分一年级起点和三年级起点。cao...


字母组合。3like喜欢4chicken鸡肉5noodles面条7fruit水果8food食物9hot dog热狗13corn玉米14tall高18small小的15tree树。17peacock孔雀22good好的23short短,71hair发 不间断音。热的42rice米饭44fresh新鲜的...