小学三年级英语下册期末试题 含答案

发布 2022-11-26 07:38:28 阅读 9429





l ap u

t ta l

u p二、选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。(10分)

)1.a.sister b.fat c.tall

)2.a.canada b.china c.thin

)3.a.long b.boy c.big

)4.a.in b.pear c.banana

)5.a.eleven b.car c.fifteen


)1.in a. b.

)2.watermelon a. b.

)3.fourteen a. b.

)4.teacher a. b.

)5.she a. b.


)1.this my friend ann.she from the usa.

a.am;am b.is;am c.is;is

)2.—how many do you see?


a.kite b.kites c.cat

)3.i a new friend.her name is alice.

a.am b.h**e c.has

)4.—who’s that girl?

is my sister.

a.i b.he c.she

)5.— are you from?

i’m from china.

a.whereb.whoc.how many

)6.—this is my friend, john.

a.i’m tenb.goodbyec.nice to meet you

)7.—do you like oranges?

a.yes, i do b.no, i do c.yes, i don’t

8.look the giraffe.it’s so tall.

a.in b.at c.to

)9.—nice to meet you.

a.nice to meet you, too b.thank you

c.i’m new


a.you’e. b.i’m from canada.


a.it’s here. b.here you are.


a.where is my cap? b.where is my car?


a.me, neither. b.me, too.


a.dad, this is amy. b.amy, this is my dad.


a.can i h**e an apple, please? b.is this an apple?


)1.nice to meet youa.he is my dad.

)2.is it in your bagb.yes, i do.

)3.who is that manc.i see 12.

)4.do you like pearsd.yes, it is.

)5.how many fish do you see? e.nice to meet you, too.


1.elephant the look at(.)

2.is where boat my(?)

3.has long a nose it(.)

4.h**e how many do fish you(?)

5.is this family my(.)


)let’s go home, mike!


)yes, it is.thanks.

)is it in your desk?

)ok! uh-oh, where is my ruler?


tom and john are students.tom is twelve years old.john is thirteen years old.they are good friends.they like grapes.they don’t like pears.miss white is their english teacher.she likes them very much.

)1.tom and john are students.

)2.tom is thirteen years old.

)3.john is twelve years old.

)4.they like grapes.

)5.they like pears, too.

真卷1 答案。




二、1~5 acbab

三、1~5 aabbb

四、1~5 cbbca 6-10 cabab 11-15 baaba

五、1~5 edabc

六、1.look at the elephant.

2.where is my boat?

3.it has a long nose.

4.how many fish do you h**e?

5.this is my family.

七、 1 5 4 3 2

八、1~5 √×

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