
发布 2022-11-26 06:23:28 阅读 8388

重点 i:words(单词)要求会认读并理解意思。

重点 ii: sentence(句子)要求会在真实语境中灵活运用。

1. hello! i’m wu yifan

2. goodbye! /bye, miss white! /see you

3. what’s your name? my name’s chen jie

4. good morning! /good afternoon

5. this is john. /this is my friend, wu yifan

6. let’s go to school. /ok

7. nice to meet you. /nice to meet you, too

8. how are you? /fine, thank you

h**e a teddy bear. /oh, really

10. look! i h**e a rabbit. /cool! /super! great! wow

11. may i h**e a look? /sure. here you are

12. oh, it’s nice! i like it./thanks

13. i like hamburgers. /me too

14. h**e some french fries. /thank you

15. thank you! /you’re welcome

16. h**e some juice! /no, thanks. i like coke

17. can i h**e some chicken? /sure. here you are.

18. happy birthday! /thank you

19. how old are you? /i’m 9

20. let’s eat the birthday cake. /great

21. how many gifts? /10

22. this is for you, zip! /wow! thanks

23. let’s paint! /great



1、elephant ruler6、monkey elephant

2、pear peach7、 cat zebra

3、blue brown8、mango apple

4、rubber telephone9、pencil box ball pen

5、pen pencil10、tiger table


1、()go to bedgo to school

2、()this is mr green. (this is mr black.

3、()good morninggood afternoon.

4、()get upgo home

5、()it’s orangethis is an orange.


这是我的父亲how are you?

见到你很高兴what’s your name?

起床this is my father.

你好吗get up.

你叫什么名字nice to meet you.


iii )how are you? 1、nice to meet you, too.

)what’s your name? 2、good morning.

)good morning. 3、not bad, thank you.

)go to school now. 4、ok.

)nice to meet you. 5、i’m yang ling.



a. i’m liu tao. b. this is liu tao.


a. how are you? b. fine, thank you.


a.go to bed now. b. go home now.


a.i’m helen. b. what’s your name?


a. this is my brother. b. this in my father.


a. how are you? b. nice to meet you.


a. good night. b. see you.


a.i’m li ming. b. i’m sorry.


a.good morning. b. good afternoon.


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