
发布 2022-11-25 10:30:28 阅读 8171




)1. a. red b. yellow c. panda

)2. a. morning b. afternoon c. stand

)3. a. pen b. pencil c. happy

)4. a. teacher b. help c. pupil

)5. a. eleven b. chair c. eight

)6. a. nose b. here c. mouth

)7. a. her b. his c. head

)8. a. policeman b. father c. grandma

)9. a. black b. nurse c. driver

)10. a. on b. kite c. cake

)11. a. ms b. say c. mr

)12. a. this b. that c. down


)1. here’spresent.

a. you b. your c. he

)2. this isteacher.

a. i b. me c. my

)3. how many

a. dog b. dogs c. a dog

)4. it isthe yellow bag.

a. or b. in c. an

)5. this ishead.

a. he b. his c. she

)6. that’s___

a. dog b. i c. me

)7a nurse.

a. she b. she’s c. her

)8. she’sdriver.

a. an b. a c. the

)9. —is it a monster

a. no, it is. b. yes, it isn’t. c. yes, it is

)10in the green bag? —no, it isn’t.

a. is it b. it is c. is it

三、根据句意选词填空,选择正确的序号写在题前的( )里。(每题2分,共12分)

a. birthday b. point c. isn’t d. where e. know f. here’s

)1your cake.

)2to your arm.

)3. happy

)4. i don’t

)5is the cat?

it’s on my book.

)6.—is it a monster?

—no, it

四、选择合适的答语,选择正确的序号写在题前的( )里。(每题2分,共18分)

)1. what’s thata. thank you.

)2. is it a catb. his name is tom.

)3. here’s your present. c. it’s a book.

)4. what is his name? d. i’m nine.

)5. how old are you? e. no, it isn’t.

)6. what colourf. i’m fine. thank you.

)7. how many boys? g. it’s in your schoolbag.

)8. where’s the pencil ? h. it’s blue.

)9. how are youi. eight

五、选择正确的序号写在题前的( )里。(每题1分,共6分)

a. eleven b. five c. nine d. seven e. ten

)1. three + four

)2. two + three

)3. five + five

)4. six + five

)5. one + eight

)6. seven + five



a. what’s this? b. what’s that?

)2. 你想告诉妈妈风筝在书包里,你会说?

a. here’s my kite. b. my kite is in my schoolbag.

)3. 当你想询问铅笔的数量时,你会说?

a. how many pens ? many pencils?


a. is this in the red bag? b. is it a red ball?

)5. 当你想介绍你的爷爷时,你会说?

a. that’s my grandma. b. this is my grandpa.


a. good morning, mr li. b. good afternoon, mr li.


)1. he’s a doctor.

)2. look. it’s a kite.

)3. is it a dog? yes, it is.

)4. is it a cat? no, it isn’t.

)5. she is a nurse.


athis is my family (家庭). look! this is my mother.

she is a teacher. this is my father. he is a doctor.

my name is amy. i’m a pupil. i’m nine.

this is my brother, tom. he is seven. i love(爱) my family.

)1. my name is amy.

)2. my father is a farmer.

)3. my mother is a teacher.

)4. i’m a pupil, i’m nine.

)5. tom is nine, too.

blook! this is a dog. it is my dog.

his name is maomao. he’s four. this is his head.

it’s black. this is his nose. it’s red.

this is his mouth. it’s green. this is his hand.

it’s yellow.

)1. maomao is four.

)2. his head is red.

)3. his mouth is green.

)4. his hand is blue.

)5. his nose is black.



1-5 cccbb 6-12 bcbaabc

二、( 每空1分,共10分。)

1-5 bcbbb 6-10 cbbcc

三、选择 ( 每空2分,共12分。)


4、单项选择 ( 每空2分,共18分。)

ceabd higf

5、选择( 每空1分,共6分。)


6、选择( 每句2分,共12分。)


7、判断( 每句2分,共10分。)

tfftt八、阅读理解( 每句2分,共20分。)

1-5 tfttf tftff


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