
发布 2022-11-20 12:39:28 阅读 9429

一、 我能在下面的横线上默写出所有的元音字母。(5)

二、 我能默出26个英文字母。(13)

三、 在横线上写出所属类别的单词。(12)




7、位置。四、 选择题:(20)

)1、__is a boy, and __is a girl.

a. he, she b. she, he c. he, she d. she, he

)2、--how do you feel?

-- i’mmy english book is lost.

a. happy b. sad c. tired d. yes

)3、i am a chinese girl, i h**e long __hair.

a. red b. yellow c. green d. black

)4、this is my friend,__name is jenny.

a. he b. she c. his d. her

)5、--are you hot?

-__i’m very __

a. yes, cold b. no, hot hot d. yes, tired

)6、he is

a. handsome b. beautiful c. pretty d. tree

)7、--how are you today ?

-- no, i feel __i h**e a __

a. happy, headache b. sad, headc. sick, headached. happy, head

)8、what’s the matter ?

a. how are you? am 10. c. i cut my finger. is bob.

)9、what are they doing?

they are __

a. play b. sing c. singing d. hot

)10、he is a

a. family b. short c. cold

五、 连接身体各部位名称。(10)

六、 连词成句:(10)

1、old,how,are ,you(?)

2、i,feel,too sick to,go to school(.)

3、is, he ,a, handsome, man(.)



七、 英汉互译:(10)

1、what colour is your hair?

2、what do they look like?




八、 情景交际:(20)

)1、当别人说“how do you do?”时,你应该说。

a. i am a boy. b. i am fine. c. how do you do ?


am happy. b. i am sad . c. i am tired. d. i am ten.


a. are you hot? b. what’s the matter? c. are you okay?

)4、当别人说“thank you!”时,你应该说””

a. thank you, too! b. that’s ok! c、you are welcome!


a. where is my pen, mum? b. where is your pen, mum?

c、what’s this?


a. my eyes are green. b. my hair is green.

c、your hair is green.


a. this is cold. b. this is cool. c、this is warm.


a. they are laughing. b. what are they doing?

c、what’s he doing?

)9、当老师说“clap your hands!”时,是要你:

a. 拍手 b. 跺脚 c、摆手。


a. three red apple . b. three red apples.

c、red three apples.


历城区前张小学2015 2016学年度第一学期期末质量检测。英语三年级。姓名综合评价。听力部分 40分 一 listen and choose.仔细听录音,选出你所听到的字母宝宝,把序号填在题前括号里。10分 1 a.gxb.jk 2 a.mvb.nu 3 a.qsb.rt 4 a.deb.bf 5...


2013 2014学年第一学期三年级语文期末测查。时间 90分钟成绩书写。一 我能将听到的句子补充完整,并认真 工整地写在田字格里。孔子年轻的时候,就已经是的老师了,他。认为学习是没有的。人们佩服孔子的也敬。重他的。二 我能看拼音写词语,能把词语写的工整漂亮!r n o s n b xi n p x...


part a listen 一 圈出你所听到的单词。前六小题每题一分,后三小题每题两分 12 1 a pen b.pencil2 a head 3 a black monkey 5 a pig ball 7 a.how are you?b.how old are you?8 a.goodbye b....