
发布 2022-11-17 11:03:28 阅读 1373







( )1.家庭 a. father b. family c. finger

( )2.椅子 a. chair b. coldc. desk

( )3.头 a. hand b. head c. happy

( )4.脚 a. foot b. four c. five

( )5.嘴 a. mouth b. marker c. mother

( )6.名字 a. nose b. ninec. name

( )7.学校 a. short b. school c. seven

( )8.说话 a. talk b. tallc. toes

( )9.年轻的a. your b. yellow c. young

( )10.女孩 a. go b. girlc. boy

( )11.身体 a. body b. book c. boy

( )12.儿子 a. sick b. sonc. six

( )13.胳膊 a. are b. leg c. arm

( )14.耳朵

)15.母亲 a. father b. mother c. brother

( )16.在……内 a. under b. on c. in


birthday blackboard

生日黑板。brother worker teacher student


father finger party



happy___warm __hot___small __short___


( )1. i livecanada .

a. in b. on c. at

( )2. my namejenny .

a. am b. is c. are

)3. may i h**e two

a. book b. books c. bookes

( )4is a girl .

a. he b. she c. it

( )5. my eyesblack .

a. am b. is

( )6. ivery happy .

a. am b. is c. are

( )7. lynn is ten years __

a. old b. big c. tall

( )8. what are you

a. do b. going c. doing

( )9. let’sa song .

a. sing b. cry c. laugh

六、用 my , her, his , your, she 填空 (10分)

1. my father is a teachername is li daming .

2. i am a studentname is li ming .

3. my mother is a doctorname is liu yun .

4. what’ s __name ?

5. this is my sisteris short .

七、从b 栏中选出a 栏问题的答语,将序号填入题前括号内(10分)

a栏b栏。( )1. how are youa. nice to meet you, too.

( )2. goodbyeb. i’m fine , thanks .

( )3. nice to meet you . c. bye .

)4. what colour is it ? d. thank you .

( )5. happy birthday to you! e. yellow .


( )1.他叫什么名字?

a. what’s his name ? b. what’s her name ?

( )2.你感觉怎么样?

a. i’m happyb. how do you feel ?

( )3.她是高的。

a. he is tall . b. she is tall .

( )4.我很疲劳。

a. i feel tired b. i feel sad

( )5.怎么了?

a. what’s the matterb. what is it ?


2013 2014学年度第二学期期末三年级英语考试题。一 写出所给字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写一致 10分 yfi vnho lje 二 选出不同类的单词,将其编号填在括号内。10分 1.a.banana b.pear c.short d.orange 2.a.pencil b.car c.ruler...


满分 100分 含卷面分1分 姓名 一 找出元音字母发音与其他三项不同的一项 2 5 10分 catb.handc.tenb.penc.hed.bigb.finec.sixd.noseb.orangec.ond.funb.duckc.underd.student二 单项选择 2 15 30分 1.w...


一 知识宫里奥秘多。28分 1 在 里填上适当的单位。从北京到广州铁路约长2313一把尺子厚约3 一条蓝鲸重约30妈妈每天工作8 一个苹果重约200系红领巾需要20 2 6 4 这个除法算式余数最大填 那么被除数填 3 用数字卡片 组成的最大三位数是 最小三位数是 它们相差 4 在 里填上 或 30...