
发布 2022-11-12 05:25:28 阅读 3502



1. dea ( bdh2. fmglnc (

5. cathat6. name( )face (

7. dollball8. bedred (

9. meetme10. dog( )duck( )


三、听句子2次,选出句子含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在( )内。

) 1. a . this b. that c. these

) 2. a. big b. black c. pigs

) 3. a. three yellow cars b. two yellow kites c. two purple kites

) 4. a. grandmother b. grandfather c. mother

) 5. a. behind b. beside c. near


) 1. a . it’s in the pencil-box. b. it’s green. c. yes, it is.

) 2. a. ok. b. no, i don’t. c. it is blue.

) 3. a. no, it isn’t. b. yes, it is. c. it is in that box.

) 4. a. it is a desk. b. yes, i am. c. no, it isn’t.

) 5. a. happy birthday! b. thank you! c. ok.

) 6. a . i’m ten. b. i’m fine. c. how old are you?

) 7. a. they are apples. b. yes, they are. c. yes. here you are.

) 8. a. he is my grandfather. b. she is my grandmother. c. yes, he is.

) 9. a. they are six. b. no, there aren’t. c. there are six.

) 10. a. she is janet. b. they are janet’s. c. yes, she is.

笔试部分。一、判断下列划线字母发音是否相同,如相同在( )内写s,不相同则写d

( )1. hat face2. lovely pretty

( )cute4. kite nine


a. father b. cat c. white d. grape e. brown f. chicken g. cousin

h. monkey i. yellow j. apple k. mouse l. sister m. rabbit n. blue

o. banana p. aunt q. green r. uncle s. bird t. pear u. purple v. duck

1. relationships(称呼)a

2. animals.(动物)b

3. colours(颜色)c

4. fruit (水果)d

三、选择最佳答案填空,把其大写字母编号写在( )内。

) 1the pretty girl? -she’s my sister. a. what’s b. who’s

)2. -what colour is the cara. it’s white. b. yes, it is.

)3. —who is the cute boyis my brother. a. she’s b. he’s

)4.-what __do you like? -i like grapes. a. fruit b. colour

)5. my grandmother is my mother’s __a. sister b. mother

)6. my telephone number isa.86848389 b. red and brown.

)7. there __four people in my family . a. is b. are

)8. the cute pig is mya. grandmother b. grandmother’s

)9white rabbit is this? a. whose b. who

)10. apples are good __us. a. on b. for

)11. jiamin __a new schoolbag. a. h**e b. has.

)12. there is __orange car under the big tree. a. an b. a


1. what colour is the duckit’s in my bag.

2. is there a toy in your roomthere are three.

3. where is your pencil-boxit is yellow.

4. how many children are there in your familyyes, there is.

5. are there any ducks in your shopit is my cousin’s.

6. whose monkey is itno. there aren’t.


1. what are those? tare pencils.

2. what fruit do you like? i like g

3. this is a pof yaomin’s family.

4. how many pears are there in the picture? there are t

5. may i h**e some fyes, of course!

六、阅读下面的对话,判断下面的句子是否符合对话意思,如符合在题前的( )内写t, 否则写。

ms white: are there any fruit in your box?

jiamin: yes, there are.

ms white: how many apples are there in your box?

jiamin: there are five.

ms white: what fruit do you like?

jiamin: i like bananas.

ms white: where are your bananas?

jiamin: they are on the table.

ms white: do you h**e any grapes?

jiamin: no. i don’t. but i h**e some oranges.

)1. there are some fruit in ms white’s box.

)2. there are five apples in jiamin’s box.

) 3. jiamin likes bananas.

) 4. jiamin’s bananas are under the table.

)5. jiamin likes grapes and oranges.


a. thank you. b. they’re my grandmother’s. c. he’s my father.

d. yes, she is. e. yes, it is.

a: is this a photo of your family? b

a: who’s the strong man in the photo? b

a: is the short lady your mother? b

a: she is pretty. b

a: oh, there are two yellow ducks in the photo. whose ducks are these?b


一 写出下列字母对应的大写或小写字母。dg ehq na uty 二 词汇大比拼,动手连一连。rice冬天by bus去滑冰。winter米饭go skating起床。windy关于h e not没有。dress有风的get up吃午饭。about连衣裙h e lunch乘公共汽车。三 从下列各组单...


三年级英语试题 时间 50分钟 听力部分。一 听一听,选一选。a 听sam介绍,选出相应的 b 听amy的介绍,将与 相符的句子序号a或b填入括号中。二 听一听,连一连。请根据录音,将下列小朋友与相应物品连线。三 听一听,判一判。请判断下列 与所听内容是 t 否 f 相符。四 听一听,标一标。听录音...


石门实验小学2013 2014学年上学期期末检测。三年级英语。时限 40分钟满分100分 听力部分 60分 一。listen and number.听句子,按先后顺序给图标 每题念两遍。10分 二。listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合,每题念两遍。10分 1.ah rh...