
发布 2022-11-17 00:10:28 阅读 4956



一、 请给下列字母重新排排队。(10分)

hh ff uu kk mm aa ee gg ss jj

二、 根据**选择正确的单词填空。(10分)

a. elephant

1.--what’s this?--it’s an

2.--do you likeyes, i do.


f**ourite toy is a

don’t like


they like me电脑游戏。

computer game她最喜欢的玩具。

her f**ourite toy字母歌。

toy car我最喜欢的歌曲。

i don’t like riding bikes他们喜欢我。

my f**ourite song我不喜欢骑自行车。

the abc song我喜欢乒乓球。

i don’t like football玩具小汽车。

i like table tennis我不喜欢足球。

i like green dogs我喜欢绿色的狗。



a. what your f**ourite song?

b. what’s your f**ourite song?

)2、当你要向别人介绍amy最喜欢的颜色是红色时,你应该说: her f**ourite colour is red.

a. his f**ourite colour is blue.


a. what is your f**ourite toy, daming?

b. what’s your f**ourite doll, daming?

)4、--what’s your f**ourite toy?--

blue. a toy car.

)5、--is it a computer game?--

it is. it is.


are they? this?

)7、the monkey is fat.

a.这只猴子胖。 b.这只猴子大。


is this? is that?


tree is long. tree is tall.

) are elephants.

a.他们是大象。 b.他们是河马。

)11、i __football.

)12、i like __bikes.

a . )13、they __skipping.

)14、i like __exercises.

)15、the lions like __


a. do you like noodles?

b. do you like fish?


like don’t like milk.


a. pass me the milk, please.

b. pass me the rice,please.


you you.


don’t like apples.

五、读短文,判断正误( t ) 误( f )。20分)

hello, i’m beibei. my f**ourite clour is blue. my f**ourite number is eight.

my f**ourite animal is panda. the pandas are black and white. ther’re fat and lovely.

i like table tennis and swimming. my f**ourite fruit is apple.

1. (beibei’s f**ourite colour is black and white.

2. (beibei’s f**ourite number is 6.

3. (beiei’s f**ourite animal is panda.

4. (the pandas are thin.

5. (beiei likes table tennis and swimming.


注意 请小朋友们答题前先写上自己的名字,答题时不能超出密封线。时间 60分钟满分 100分。一 我是书写小能手 在四线格中写出所给字母的大写或小写 10分 d a b l c e f 2 我要回家 给下列单词归类 10分 1.文具。2.身体部位。3.颜色。三 我的这些部位你知道叫什么名字吗?只填序号...


姓名分数。1.把下面的单词翻译成英语。36 redgreenyellow blueblackwhite pencil boxnobook facemouthhand footduckpig bearmonkeytiger 2.看图找出对应的单词并连线。12 bagruler pencil erase...


姓名成绩 一 按要求完成下列各题。10 1.请抄写下列字母,注意字母的占格。aa dd kk mm ee jj gg nn 2.请将下列单词的第一个字母改为小写形式,并将这个单词抄写一遍。bag coffee father hambur thirteen twenty 2 请把下面的单词补充完整。1...